Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): West Side Story (Schermerhorn)

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): West Side Story (Schermerhorn)

Kenneth Schermerhorn (1929-2005) estava estudando com Bernstein durante a criação de West Side Story e foi até considerado um possível maestro para a estreia. Finalmente tendo sua chance quase 50 anos depois, Schermerhorn conduz a partitura com uma autoridade e entusiasmo que revela seu conhecimento íntimo e convicções pessoais, mesmo que às vezes seus andamentos se arrastem (como em I Feel Pretty). Esta gravação utiliza a partitura de Bernstein em sua forma original, antes de passar pelas revisões necessárias para torná-la mais adequada às necessidades do teatro musical da época. Na verdade, tudo soa praticamente o mesmo, as distinções mais óbvias são alguns compassos faltando perto do final do Prólogo e o arranjo vocal diferente para America. A Sinfônica de Nashville toca com uma mistura ideal de elegância sinfônica e jazzística que mostra por que esta obra é um clássico tão maravilhoso. Apenas a gravação multimicrofonada e obviamente destinada ao estúdio, com suas vozes artificialmente próximas, decepciona um pouco. No entanto, este CD recria fielmente o mundo mágico e fascinante que é West Side Story, e qualquer pessoa que venha a esta peça novamente terá uma experiência rara e especial. (Neste link, a última versão de Bernstein).

Bernstein, Leonard
Sondheim, Stephen – Lyricist
West Side Story
1 Act I: Prologue 04:18
2 Act I: Jet Song 02:30
3 Act I: Something’s Coming 02:49
4 Act I: Blues 01:54
5 Act I: Promenade 00:22
6 Act I: Mambo 02:39
7 Act I: Maria 03:07
8 Act I: Balcony Scene / Tonight 07:21
9 Act I: America 04:59
10 Act I: Cool 04:35
11 Act I: One Hand, One Heart 04:58
12 Act I: Tonight 03:56
13 Act I: The Rumble 03:08
14 Act II: I Feel Pretty 03:57
15 Act II: Ballet Sequence 01:32
16 Act II: Transition to Scherzo 00:41
17 Act II: Scherzo 01:40
18 Act II: Somewhere 02:38
19 Act II: Procession and Nightmare 03:37
20 Act II: Gee, Officer Krupke 04:20
21 Act II: A Boy Like That / I Have a Love 06:05
22 Act II: Taunting Scene 01:07
23 Act II: Finale 02:52

Total Playing Time: 01:15:05

Composer(s): Bernstein, Leonard
Lyricist(s): Sondheim, Stephen
Conductor(s): Schermerhorn, Kenneth
Orchestra(s): Nashville Symphony Orchestra
Artist(s): Chozen, Joanna / Cooke, Marianne / Dean, Robert / Ditty, Billy / Eldred, Mike / Gabriel, Winter / Lee, Neal Richard / Lewis, Jeff / Morrison, Betsi / Prentice, Michelle / San Giovanni, Michael / Schanuel, Greg / Shenoy, Nandita / Whiting, Jeff


Cena de Cantando na Chuva


Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Sinfonia Nº 1 “Jeremiah” / Concerto for Orchestra “Jubilee Games” (Judd)

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Sinfonia Nº 1 “Jeremiah” / Concerto for Orchestra “Jubilee Games” (Judd)

Como eu estava sendo ameaçado fisicamente por não revalidar este link, aqui vai ele. A Sinfonia Nº 1 de Bernstein, baseada no profeta Jeremias, fala, segundo o próprio Bernstein, a respeito da crise de sua fé, simbolizada pela destruição do Templo de Jerusalém. Jeremiah é conhecido pela alcunha de “O Profeta Chorão”. O Concerto para Orquestra foi composto em 1986 e bastante ampliado em 1989. É muito curiosa esta abordagem ao modelo de “Concerto para Orquestra”, criado por Bartók. Como já publicamos antes os Concertos para Orquestra de Bartók e Lutoslawski — duas obras-primas! –, finalizamos por ora a série dedicada aos Concertos para Orquestra. Gostei bastante do disco, tanto que o ouvi 3 vezes de enfiada. Apenas estranhei a Lamentação de Jeremias ser cantada por uma mulher. Mas, enfim, o que interessa é o texto, né? E talvez seja uma mulher falando do Jerê, não examinei o texto…

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Sinfonia Nº 1 “Jeremiah” / Concerto for Orchestra “Jubilee Games” (Judd)

Symphony No. 1 ‘Jeremiah’ (25:06)
1 Prophecy 7:43
2 Profanation 6:29
3 Lamentation 10:54

Concerto For Orchestra ‘Jubilee Games’ (29:58)
4 I Free-Style Events: Allegro Con Brio, Giocoso 7:27
5 II Mixed Doubles: Theme 1:26
6 Variation 1 1:01
7 Variation 2 0:26
8 Variation 3 0:39
9 Variation 4 1:17
10 Variation 5 0:33
11 Variation 6 2:18
12 Variation 7 1:15
13 Coda 1:45
14 III Diaspora Dances: Vivace 5:37
15 IV Benediction: Moderato, Invocando 6:13

Baritone Vocals – Nathan Gunn (tracks: 15)
Conductor – James Judd
Mezzo-soprano Vocals – Helen Medlyn (tracks: 3)
Orchestra – New Zealand Symphony Orchestra


O Jeremiah de Michelangelo (detalhe do teto da Capela Sistina)


César Franck (1822-1890) – Sinfonia em ré menor / Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) – Le Rouet d’Omphale, op. 31 – Orquestra Nacional da França, Leonard Bernstein

César Franck (1822-1890) – Sinfonia em ré menor / Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) – Le Rouet d’Omphale, op. 31 – Orquestra Nacional da França, Leonard Bernstein

Peço licença ao mestre e colega PQP Bach para usar, sob minha pessoal e intransferível responsabilidade, o seu selo de distinção, pois esse disco merece: IM-PER-DÍ-VEL!!!

Este precioso registro ao vivo de um concerto no Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, em Paris, é simplesmente uma das mais poderosas gravações desta belíssima sinfonia, a única escrita pelo francês-nascido-na-Bélgica-mas-que-na-época-não-era-Bélgica César-Auguste Jean-Guillaume Hubert Franck, ele mesmo, César Franck (1822-1890).

É um disco que, no meu pequeno altar de devoção pessoal, ocupa um lugar especial tanto por ser uma das minhas gravações favoritas dessa belíssima sinfonia (Furtwängler, Dutoit, Sanderling e Munch são outras que vêm à mente) como também uma das minhas gravações favoritas de mister Leonard Bernstein, que leva a Orquestra Nacional da França às “máximas alturas” do poema de Augusto dos Anjos. Sei que estou soando superlativo, e a idéia é essa mesmo.

Sinfonia em ré menor foi a última das grandes obras compostas por Franck, escrita entre 1886 e 1888 (ele morreria pouco depois, em 1890). É a culminação de um arco criativo que reúne suas obras mais belas e interessantes: o Quinteto para piano em fá menor (1879), o Prelúdio, coral e fuga para piano solo (1884) e a estupenda Sonata para violino e piano em lá maior (1886).

Tudo é tão radiante e tão bem construído que é difícil destacar alguma coisa nessa gravação, já que meio que tudo é digno de nota. Seriam os cintilantes fraseados? A beleza dos timbres? A forma como Bernstein e os franceses encontram um balanço perfeito entre a rica delicadeza artesanal dos detalhes e a opulência grandiosa do todo? Estejam desde já convidados a dividir seus pensamentos e emoções aqui na caixinha de comentários. Sinto que tudo que se possa dizer soa algo banal frente a tamanha façanha artística, mas não seria essa justamente uma das delícias de se escutar música assim, tão finamente tecida?

Das notas do encarte do disco, de Petra Weber-Bockholdt, em tradução livre deste escriba:

“Composta em 1868-1888, a ‘Sinfonia em ré menor’ de Franck é uma obra tardia que o músico concluiu aos 66 anos, dois anos antes de sua morte. Essa sinfonia pode ser descrita como uma das principais obras de sua época, pois reúne características essenciais da música composta naquele período. Ela se baseia na chamada forma cíclica, um método de ligação temática que, embora não tenha sido ‘inventado’ por Franck, deve a ele impulsos essenciais como princípio composicional.

No decorrer da sinfonia, os temas dos vários movimentos se mostram relacionados ou, pelo menos, semelhantes, de modo que podem ser unidos ou – soando simultaneamente – combinados uns com os outros. Essa ligação direta ocorre nessa sinfonia, bem como em muitas outras obras que seguem esse princípio de organização. No Finale, Franck analisa todos os temas da sinfonia com mais ou menos detalhes.

A concentração em determinadas formas temáticas é acompanhada pelo esforço de processá-las artisticamente, de ‘realizá-las’. Ambos são um legado da tradição musical alemã. Em contraste, a obra revela sua origem francesa por meio da mudança frequente de humores e atitudes musicais, que, ao se sucederem, dão a impressão de episódios diferentes. Essa característica está relacionada ao caráter pictórico da música francesa, que é moldada por ideias gestuais.”

Completa o saudoso lado b do disco um pequeno poema sinfônico de Camille Saint-Saëns, Le Rouet d’Omphale, de engenhosa orquestração. Uma daquelas pequenas peças de programa, que antecedem o concerto e, depois do intervalo, uma sinfonia. (arquivos corrigidos, com a inestimável ajuda do nosso querido René Denon!)

Em suma, um discaço, senhoras e senhores!

César Franck (1822-1900)
Sinfonia em ré menor

1.  I – Lento
2. II – Allegretto – attacca
3. III. Allegro non troppo

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
Le Rouet d’Omphale, op. 31

4. Andantino – Allegro – Tranquilo e scherzando

Orchestre National de France
Leonard Bernstein, regência


Quer fazer os naipes da sua orquestra brilharem? Ask Lenny


Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Sinfonia Nº 2 “A Idade da Ansiedade” / West Side Story: Danças Sinfônicas / Abertura Candide (Steuerman, Florida Philharmonic, Judd)

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Sinfonia Nº 2 “A Idade da Ansiedade” / West Side Story: Danças Sinfônicas / Abertura Candide (Steuerman, Florida Philharmonic, Judd)

James Judd e a Filarmônica da Flórida oferecem boas leituras dessas famosas peças de Bernstein. Suas interpretações mais refinadas sacrificam parte do elemento “swing”, particularmente na seção jazzística do Masque da Sinfonia e na maior parte das danças de West Side Story, em favor da precisão e transparência, como se fossem vistas através das lentes de Stravinsky ou Copland. Há pouco dos famosos registros do próprio compositor. Mas há muito a recomendar neste disco. Depois da animada Candide Overture (que qualquer orquestra norte-americana deve saber de cor), as danças de West Side Story caem um pouco, apesar de que são as Danças de WSS, né? Porém, na Sinfonia, Judd detalha os vários humores de forma eficaz, delineando claramente a sutileza das variações das Sete Idades e as bordas mais irregulares da seção dos Sete Estágios. Somente no clímax arrasador do Epílogo é que realmente ouvimos do que essa orquestra é capaz. Eles são muito bons! O pianista Jean-Louis Steuerman é excelente, toca tudo com clareza, graça e sensibilidade. Sua interpretação lembra mais a leitura tecnicamente perfeita de Marc-André Hamelin em vez do estilo mais lúdico de Lukas Foss com o próprio Bernstein.

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Symphony No. 2 / West Side Story: Symphonic Dances / Candide Overture (Steuerman, Florida Philharmonic, Judd)

1. Candide Overture 00:04:09

West Side Story: Symphonic Dances
2. West Side Story: Symphonic Dances 00:22:37

Symphony No. 2, “The Age of Anxiety”
3. Part I: Prologue 00:02:44
4. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation I 00:01:00
5. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation II 00:01:33
6. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation III 00:01:27
7. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation IV 00:00:54
8. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation V 00:00:53
9. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation VI 00:01:02
10. Part I: The Seven Ages: Variation VII 00:01:57
11. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation VIII 00:01:46
12. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation IX 00:01:22
13. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation X 00:00:32
14. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation XI 00:00:54
15. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation XII 00:00:16
16. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation XIII 00:00:47
17. Part I: The Seven Stages: Variation XIV 00:00:33
18. Part II: The Dirge 00:06:27
19. Part II: The Masque 00:04:45
20. Part II: The Epilogue 00:07:53

Composer: Bernstein, Leonard
Conductor: Judd, James
Orchestra: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra
Piano: Steuerman, Jean Louis


Bernstein aponta para Steuerman e diz: “Este é um grande pianista!”.


.: interlúdio :. Kaori Muraji

.: interlúdio :. Kaori Muraji

Considere o vídeo abaixo:

Seguindo o caminho do interlúdio anterior, continuamos ouvindo violões, por que não. E sobre Kaori, bem; é jovem, linda, e toca de olhos fechados. Que dizer mais? Era daquelas crianças-prodígio, aprendeu a tocar violão com o pai aos três anos, e dali em diante foi conquistando competições e prêmios internacionais — até ser a primeira artista japonesa a assinar um contrato internacional com a Decca.

Credenciais à parte, os ouvidos notam que Kaori leva tudo muito a sério. Tem uma técnica impecável, e suas escolhas nos arranjos não costumam ser bem comportadas. Dos quatro álbuns desde post — talvez 1/5 de sua discografia — , três são de repertório erudito, e se o próprio Joaquín Rodrigo, pouco antes de sua morte, elegeu-a como sua voz no século XXI, a resenha do AMG para “Plays Bach” é bem menos elogiosa. (Este cão, que sabidamente não entende lhufas de música erudita, gostou bastante da segunda parte do cd, em que ela toca sozinha.) O último disco do post é de repertório popular, bem ao estilo balaio de gatos, misturando West Side Story à International Socialista — e se eu prefiro mastigar vidro a ouvir Tears in Heaven outra vez nesta ou em qualquer outra vida, há momentos realmente sublimes, como Jongo, Sunburst e até Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (no vídeo abaixo, numa parceria muito bem concatenada com o próprio Saka).

Dito isto, aos álbuns? Blue Dog recomenda a ordem cronológia/de postagem mesmo; Lumières é fabuloso.

P.S.: Atendendo a pedidos, e não tão longe do contexto, participamos que o post de Wes Montgomery para “Full House” foi atualizado com um rip em V0. E no mesmo post foi adicionado um outro álbum — que você também deveria ouvir. Ctrl+clique o link acima pra não esquecer.

Kaori Muraji – Lumières /2005 [V0]
Kaori Muraji: guitar
download / 107MB

01 Gymnopedie No. 1 (Satie)
02 Gymnopedie No. 3 (Satie)
03 La fille aux cheveux de lin (Debussy)
04 Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte (Ravel)
05 Saudade No. 3 (From Trois Saudades): I Rituel (Dyens)
06 Saudade No. 3 (From Trois Saudades): II Danse (Dyens)
07 Saudade No. 3 (From Trois Saudades): III Fete Et Final (Dyens)
08 2 Barcarolles, Op.60: I Lent, Calme, Dans Une Quietude Expressive (Kleynjans)
09 2 Barcarolles, Op.60: II Allegro (Kleynjans)
10 Fantasie Pour Guitare: I Resolu (De Breville)
11 Fantasie Pour Guitare: II Lent (De Breville)
12 Fantasie Pour Guitare: III Trés Vite (De Breville)
13 Gnossienne No 1 (Satie)
14 Water Color Scalor: I Prelude (Yoshimatsu)
15 Water Color Scalor: II Intermezzo A (Yoshimatsu)
16 Water Color Scalor: III Dance (Yoshimatsu)
17 Water Color Scalor: IV Intermezzo B (Yoshimatsu)
18 Water Color Scalor: V Rondo (Yoshimatsu)
19 Claire de Lune from Suite Bergamasque (Debussy)
20 Summer Knows Theme from “The Summer of ’42” (Legrand)

Kaori Muraji – Viva! Rodrigo /2007 [V0]
Kaori Muraji, guitar; Orquesta Sinfónica de Galícia, reg. Viktor Pablo Pérez. Música de Joaquín Rodrigo
download / 97MB

01 Concierto de Aranjuez – Allegro con spirito
02 Concierto de Aranjuez – Adagio
03 Concierto de Aranjuez – Allegro gentile
04 Sones en la Giralda
05 Concierto para una fiesta – Allegro deciso
06 Concierto para una fiesta – Andante calmo
07 Concierto para una fiesta – Allegro moderato

Kaori Muraji – Plays Bach /2008 [V0]
Kaori Muraji, guitar; Leipzig Bachorchester, reg. Christian Funke
download / 113MB

01 Cembalo Concerto No.2 in E major, BWV 1053 – I. Allegro
02 Cembalo Concerto No.2 in E major, BWV 1053 – II. Siciliano
03 Cembalo Concerto No.2 in E major, BWV 1053 – III. Allegro
04 BWV 1068 Air on the G string
05 Cembalo Concerto No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 – I. Allegro
06 Cembalo Concerto No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 – II. Largo
07 Cembalo Concerto No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 – III. Presto
08 BWV 147 Choral Jesus bleibet meine Freude
09 Partita No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004 – I. Allmanda
10 Partita No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004 – II. Corrente
11 Partita No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004 – III. Sarabanda
12 Partita No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004 – IV. Giga
13 Partita No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004 – V. Ciaconna
14 Menuet, BWV Anh. 114 & 115

Kaori Muraji – Portraits /2009 [320]
Kaori Muraji, guitar
download / 156MB

01 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Sakamoto)
02 Tango en Skai (Dyens)
03 Tears In Heaven (Clapton)
04 Jongo for guitar(Bellinatti)
05 Energy Flow (Sakamoto)
06 What a Friend We Have in Jesus(Converse)
07 Internationale (De Geyter)
08 Amours Perdues (Kosma)
09 Secret Love (Fain)
10 Porgy and Bess – Summertime (Gershwin)
11 West Side Story – I Feel Pretty (Bernstein)
12 West Side Story – Maria (Bernstein)
13 West Side Story – America (Bernstein)
14 Nocturne No.2 in E flat, Op.9 No.2 (Chopin)
15 Thousands of Prayers (Tanikawa)
16 Träumerei (Schumann)
17 Love Waltz (Neumann)
18 Introduction To Sunburst/Sunburst (York)
19 In My Life (Lennon / McCartney)

Boa audição!
Blue Dog

Anne Sophie von Otter – A Simple Song

Esse CD é assim apresentado no site da Gravadora BIS:

Uma breve olhada na lista de faixas é suficiente para revelar quem é o cantor – somente Anne Sofie von Otter poderia ter um programa tão variado e abrangente. E somente von Otter poderia mantê-lo unido, encontrando as ressonâncias entre essas peças muito diferentes, e trazendo-as para fora com uma rara habilidade de abraçar diferentes estilos de canto e registros expressivos: parafraseando Bernstein em A Simple Song, Anne Sofie von Otter nunca não consegue cantar como ela gosta de cantar.

De Liszt a Pärt e da Sinfonia de Ressurreição de Mahler ao Sound of Music de Richard Rodgers, von Otter é apoiado por seu acompanhante de longa data, Bengt Forsberg, aqui no órgão, em vez de seu piano habitual. Em vários pontos do programa, elas se juntam a vários amigos musicais, no órgão da Igreja de St. James, no centro de Estocolmo – a mesma igreja onde a jovem von Otter começou sua carreira como corista e, junto com Forsberg, deu um de seus primeiros shows públicos.

Com esta apresentação, o que preciso falar mais? Anne Sophie Von Otter é uma das maiores cantoras líricas de sua geração, ninguém tem dúvidas a respeito disso. Sua voz pode ser robusta e encorpada quando necessário, mas também suave e delicada. Ouçam com atenção a primeira faixa, ‘A Simple Song’, de Leonard Bernstein, e irão entender o que estou falando.

Leonard Bernstein
01 A Simple Song, from Mass

Aaron Copland
02 I’ve heard an organ talk sometimes

Charles E. Ives
03 Serenity 2’33

Gustav Mahler
04 Es sungen drei Engel

05 Urlicht

Richard Strauss
06 Traum durch die Dämmerung

07 Morgen

Arvo Pärt
08 My Heart’s in the Highlands

Maurice Duruflé
09 Pie Jesu, from Requiem

Olivier Messiaen
Trois mélodies (1930)
10 Pourquoi ? 2’03
11 Le sourire 1’44
12 La fiancée perdue

Francis Poulenc
13 Priez pour paix 2’08

Frank Martin
14 Agnus Dei, from Requiem
Arvo Pärt
15 Es sang vor langen Jahren

Franz Liszt
16 Ave Maria III (Sposalizio), S. 60

Richard Rodgers
from The Sound of Music
17 Climb ev’ry mountain

Mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter
Electric guitar Fabian Fredriksson
Organ Bengt Forsberg
Flute Sharon Bezaly
Harp Margareta Nilsson
Violin Nils-Erik Sparf
Cello Marie McLeod
Viola Ellen Nisbeth


.: interlúdio (ou não) :. Shani Diluka: Route 66 (American Piano Music)

.: interlúdio (ou não) :. Shani Diluka: Route 66 (American Piano Music)


Um belo disco difícil de definir: é jazz ou erudito? Bem, na verdade eu nem noto mais a diferença. Ouço ambos os gêneros indistintamente. A pianista Shani Diluka, nascida no Sri Lanka, chama seu recital de 18 peças de compositores e improvisadores norte-americanos de Route 66. Nas anotações que vêm junto ao CD, ela liga cada peça a uma passagem de On the Road, de Jack Kerouac, embora a calma que prevalece na maioria das canções dificilmente evoque a narrativa contundente do romance. Ela demonstra um colorido maior do que normalmente se ouve dos chamados especialistas em música contemporânea. Isso é bom, claro. Porém, na maioria das peças líricas, no entanto, a dinâmica suave retrocede e murcha quase a ponto de desaparecer, especialmente quando Diluka faz diminuendos. Mas o saldo final é altamente positivo. A pianista é excelente e o repertório fantástico.

Deixem eu contar uma história rapidinha para vocês. Certa vez, estava em Londres e fui assistir a um concerto sensacional onde um conhecido pianista interpretaria um Concerto de Mozart. Ele tocou maravilhosamente e foi muito aplaudido. Voltou três vezes ao palco. O pedido por um bis era óbvio. Então ele ergueu os braços e pediu silêncio. Disse que no dia anterior substituíra outro pianista que caíra doente. Tivera que ir até Praga para fazer o Concerto Nº 1 de Brahms. Estava no contrato. Na volta, o avião atrasara. Contou que estava cansadíssimo e que ia dar o bis tocando a peça que costumava tocar à noite, quando estava em casa e queria relaxar para dormir. E anunciou: “Vamos relaxar juntos. Vou tocar Peace Piece, de Bill Evans. Espero que vocês não durmam”. A ultra civilizada e culta plateia londrina, em vez de aplaudir, fez aquele som misto de aplausos e Uh, Uh! típicos dos concertos de jazz. Melhor cidade do mundo.

Shani Diluka: Route 66 (American Piano Music)

1 China Gates
Composed By – John Adams
2 My Wild Irish Rose
Arranged By – Keith Jarrett
3 Lullaby
Composed By – Percy Grainger
4 Pas De Deux
Composed By – Samuel Barber
5 Young Birches
Composed By – Amy Beach*
6 Waltz For Debby
Composed By – Bill Evans
7 Etude No. 9
Composed By – Philip Glass
8 For Felicia Montealegre
Composed By – Leonard Bernstein
9 In A Landscape
Composed By – John Cage
10 I Love Porgy
Arranged By – Keith Jarrett
Composed By – George Gershwin
11 Interlude
Composed By – Leonard Bernstein
12 Chandeliers
Composed By – Hyung-Ki Joo
13 Danza De La Mozo Donosa
Composed By – Alberto Ginastera
14 For Aaron Copland
Composed By – Leonard Bernstein
15 Piano Blues No. 1 “For Leo Smit”
Composed By – Aaron Copland
16 Peace Piece
Composed By – Bill Evans
17 Love Walked In
Arranged By – Percy Grainger
Composed By – George Gershwin
18 What Is This Thing Called Love
Arranged By – Raphaël Merlin
Composed By – Cole Porter

Piano – Shani Diluka
Vocals – Natalie Dessay (faixa 18)


Diluka: às vezes delicada demais, mas com alto saldo positivo


Gershwin, Bernstein, Barber, Korngold, Copland, Adams, Glass, Reich, Porter, Kern, Joplin, Ellington: American Classics (6 CDs)

Gershwin, Bernstein, Barber, Korngold, Copland, Adams, Glass, Reich, Porter, Kern, Joplin, Ellington: American Classics (6 CDs)

folderIM-PER-Dí-VEL !!!

Seis CDs maravilhosos que dão um excelente panorama da música erudita norte-americana. A influência do jazz é enorme, a presença negra é absoluta. Depois, ao menos cronologicamente, ela é substituída pelo minimalismo, o que denota a presença da cultura mais acadêmica. E o papel de Lenny Bernstein é fundamental. Ele faz jazz (ouçam Prelude, Fugue And Riffs), cria temas que caberiam em musicais e faz música erudita mais tradicional, com um pé na Europa. Gênio total. E o que dizer de George Gershwin? Cada aparição sua no CD é um facho de luz. Dá felicidade ouvir suas obras.

Destaque também para nossos contemporâneos John Adams e Steve Reich, assim como para a presença da sofisticação de Duke Ellington (jazz) e Cole Porter (canções) e da música luminosa de Scott Joplin (rags).

Korngold, Barber e Copland são bons compositores, mas para mim foi foda aguentar a música de Kern. É muito dentro do estilo dos musicais, o que me provocou certa náusea.

O CD é catadão de coisas lançadas previamente em formato separado, mas a seleção é de primeira e vocês podem ouvir sem receio porque no geral é muito bom!

Gershwin, Bernstein, Barber, Korngold, Copland, Adams, Glass, Reich, Porter, Kern, Joplin, Ellington: American Classics (6 CDs)

Disc 1
George Gershwin
1. Rhapsody In Blue (Orig. Version With Jazz Band) – Peter Donohoe/London Sinfonietta/Sir Simon Rattle
2. An American In Paris – Aalborg Symphony/Wayne Marshall
3. I Got Rhythm: Variations For Piano And Orchestra – Wayne Marshall/Aalborg Symphony
4. Piano Concerto In F Major : I Allegro – Helene Grimaud
5. Piano Concerto In F Major : II Andante Con Motto – Helene Grimaud
6. Piano Concerto In F Major : III. Allegro Agitato – Helene Grimaud

Disc 2
Leonard Bernstein
7. Prelude, Fugue And Riffs – Paavo Jarvi
8. Facsimile – Paavo Jarvi/City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
9. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: I. Prologue – Paavo Jarvi
10. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: II. Somewhere – Paavo Jarvi
11. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: III. Scherzo – Paavo Jarvi
12. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: IV. Mambo – Paavo Jarvi
13. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: V. Cha-Cha – Paavo Jarvi
14. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: VI. Meeting Scene – Paavo Jarvi
15. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: VII. Rumble – Paavo Jarvi
16. Symphonic Dances From West Side Story: VIII. Finale – Paavo Jarvi
17. Divertimento For Orchestra: I. Sennets And Tuckets – Paavo Jarvi
18. Divertimento For Orchestra: II. Waltz – Paavo Jarvi
19. Divertimento For Orchestra: III. Mazurka – Paavo Jarvi
20. Divertimento For Orchestra: IV. Samba – Paavo Jarvi
21. Divertimento For Orchestra: V. Turkey Trot – Paavo Jarvi
22. Divertimento For Orchestra: VI. Sphinxes – Paavo Jarvi
23. Divertimento For Orchestra: VII. Blues – Paavo Jarvi
24. Divertimento For Orchestra: VIII. In Memoriam – March “The Bso Forever” – Paavo Jarvi
25. Wonderful Town: Overture – Sir Simon Rattle/Birmingham Contemporary Music Group
26. Candide: Overture – London Symphony Orchestra/Andre Previn

Disc 3
Samuel Barber
27. Adagio For Strings Op. 11 – City Of London Sinfonia
28. Knoxville: Summer Of 1915 Op. 24 – City Of London Sinfonia
Erich Wolfgang Korngold
29. Violin Concerto In D Major, Op.35: I. Moderato Nobile – Renaud Capucon
30. Violin Concerto In D Major, Op. 35: II. Romance: Andante – Renaud Capucon
31. Violin Concerto In D Major, Op. 35: III. Finale: Allegro Assai Vivace – Renaud Capucon
Aaron Copland
32. Appalachian Spring – Suite From The Ballet – Richard Hickox
33. Fanfare For The Common Man – London Philharmonic Orchestra/Carl Davis

Disc 4
John Adams
34. The Chairman Dances – Foxtrot For Orchestra – Sir Simon Rattle/City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
35. Tromba Lontana – Sir Simon Rattle/Jonathan Holland/Wesley Warren/City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
36. Short Ride In A Fast MacHine – Fanfare For Orchestra – Sir Simon Rattle
37. Shaker Loops (1983): Shaking And Trembling – London Chamber Orchestra/Christopher Warren-Green
38. Shaker Loops (1983): Hymning Slews – London Chamber Orchestra/Christopher Warren-Green
39. Shaker Loops (1983): Loops And Verses – London Chamber Orchestra/Christopher Warren-Green
40. Shaker Loops (1983): A Final Shaking – London Chamber Orchestra/Christopher Warren-Green
Philip Glass
41. Facades – Christopher Warren-Green
Steve Reich
42. Eight Lines – Christopher Warren-Green
Philip Glass
43. Company – London Chamber Orchestra (Lco)

Disc 5
George Gershwin
44. A Damsel In Distress – Music From The Film – New Princess Theater Orchestra/John McGlinn
45. Girl Crazy: Overture – John McGlinn
46. Tip-Toes: Overture: Tip-Toes – John McGlinn
47. Oh, Kay!: Overture: Oh, Kay! – John McGlinn
Cole Porter
48. Anything Goes: Overture: Anything Goes – London Sinfonietta/John McGlinn
49. Can-Can: Overture: Can-Can – London Sinfonietta/John McGlinn
50. Kiss Me, Kate: Overture: Kiss Me, Kate – London Sinfonietta/John McGlinn
51. Gay Divorce: Night And Day – London Sinfonietta/John McGlinn
Jerome Kern
52. Leave It To Jane: Overture: Leave It To Jane – National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
53. Sitting Pretty: Overture: Sitting Pretty – National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
54. Swing Time: I. Main Title And Pickup Yourself Up (Lyrics Dorothy Fields) – Ambrosian Singers/National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
55. Swing Time: II. The Way You Look Tonight – Ambrosian Singers/National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
56. Swing Time: III. Waltz In Swing Time – Ambrosian Singers/National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
57. Swing Time: IV. Never Gonna Dance – Ambrosian Singers/National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
58. Swing Time: V. Bojangles Of Harlem (Lyrics Dorothy Fields) – Ambrosian Singers/National Philharmonic Orchestra/John McGlinn
59. Show Boat: Overture: Show Boat – London Sinfonietta/John McGlinn

Disc 6
Scott Joplin
60. The Entertainer – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
George Gershwin
61. Rialto Ripples – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
Scott Joplin
62. Magnetic Rag – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
J.P. Johnson
63. Carolina Shout – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
Scott Joplin
64. Maple Leaf Rag – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
65. Elite Syncopations – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
66. Strenuous Life – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
67. Bethena – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
68. Embraceable You – Katia Labeque/Marielle Labeque
George Gershwin
69. Porgy And Bess (Highlights): Summertime (Clara, Chorus) – Harolyn Blackwell/Glyndebourne Chorus/Craig Ruttenberg/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Simon Rattle
70. Porgy And Bess (Highlights): It Ain’t Necessarily So…Shame On All You Sinners (Sporting Life, Chorus, Serena, Maria) – Damon Evans/Cynthia Clarey/Marietta Simpson/Glyndebourne Chorus/Craig Ruttenberg/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Simon Rattle
71. Strike Up The Band – Overture – Aalborg Symphony/Wayne Marshall
Duke Ellington
72. Take The ‘a’ Train – Sir Simon Rattle/City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra/Lena Horne/Clark Terry/Bobby Watson/Joshua Redman/Joe Lovano/Regina Carter/Geri Allen/Lewis Nash/Peter Washington
73. Sophisticated Lady – Bobby Watson/Sir Simon Rattle/City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
74. That Doo-Wah Thing From ‘it Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing’: Part 2, Duet/Fugue – Lena Horne/Clark Terry/Bobby Watson/Joshua Redman/Joe Lovano/Regina Carter/Geri Allen/Lewis Nash/Peter Washington/Sir Simon Rattle/City Of Birmingham Sym
75. Come Sunday – Regina Carter/Clark Terry/Sir Simon Rattle/City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra


John Adams mandando ir com tudo.
John Adams mandando ir com tudo.


100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1992): Sinfonias de 1 a 3 / Serenata sobre o Simpósio de Platão

100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1992): Sinfonias de 1 a 3 / Serenata sobre o Simpósio de Platão

BernsteinIM-PER-DÍ-VEL !!!

Leonard Bernstein (Lawrence, 25 de agosto de 1918 – Nova Iorque, 14 de outubro de 1990). Aqui, todas as postagens desta série.

Bernstein é um cinco em um:

— Compositor de música erudita
— Compositor de jazz
— Compositor de musicais
— Pianista e
— Um dos maiores regentes de todos os tempos.

Aqui, uma versão de suas sinfonias e serenata sob a regência dele mesmo.

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1992): Sinfonias de 1 a 3 / Serenata sobre o Simpósio de Platão


01. Symphony No. 1, ‘Jeremiah’. I – Prophecy. Largamente
02. Symphony No. 1, ‘Jeremiah’. II – Profanation. Vivace con brio
03. Symphony No. 1, ‘Jeremiah’. III – Lamentation. Lento

04. Symphony No. 2, ‘The Age of Anxiety’. Part 1 –The Prologue. Lento moderato
05. Symphony No. 2, ‘The Age of Anxiety’. The Seven Ages. Variations 1–7
06. Symphony No. 2, ‘The Age of Anxiety’. The Seven Stages. Variations 8–14
07. Symphony No. 2, ‘The Age of Anxiety’. Part 2 – The Dirge. Largo
08. Symphony No. 2, ‘The Age of Anxiety’. The Masque. Extremely fast
09. Symphony No. 2, ‘The Age of Anxiety’. The Epilogue. L’istesso tempo

01. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. I – Invocation. Adagio
02. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. Kaddish 1. L’istesso tempo – Allegro molto
03. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. II – Din-Torah. Di nuovo adagio
04. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. Kaddish 2. Andante con tenerezza
05. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. Kaddish 3. III – Scherzo. Presto scherzando, sempr
06. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. Finale. Adagio come nel Din-Torah
07. Symphony No. 3, ‘Kaddish’. Allegro vivo, con gioia

08. Serenade after Plato’s ‘Symposium’. I – Phaedrus. Lento – Pausanias. Allegro
09. Serenade after Plato’s ‘Symposium’. II – Aristophanes. Allegretto
10. Serenade after Plato’s ‘Symposium’. III – Erixymachus. Presto
11. Serenade after Plato’s ‘Symposium’. IV – Agathon. Adagio
12. Serenade after Plato’s ‘Symposium’. V – Socrates. Molto tenuto – Alcibiades

Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Leonard Bernstein


O grande Leonard Bernstein
O grande Leonard Bernstein


100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1992): Marin Alsop’s Complete Naxos Recordings — 8 CDs

100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1992): Marin Alsop’s Complete Naxos Recordings — 8 CDs


Leonard Bernstein (Lawrence, 25 de agosto de 1918 – Nova Iorque, 14 de outubro de 1990). Aqui, todas as postagens desta série.

Uma caixa de 8 CDs que é uma espantosa demonstração do talento, tanto do compositor Leonard Bernstein, quanto de sua ex-aluna Marin Alsop. O ecletismo dita o ritmo. São sinfonias, aberturas, serenatas, missas, divertimentos, corais, suítes, comemorações, música incidental, músicas para as mais diferentes ocasiões, tudo muito bem tocado, muitas vezes com a presença da Osesp. Um colorido banquete musical. A coisa toda vai na direção da alegria e da criatividade incontrolável desse monstro. Aproveitem!

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1992): Marin Alsop’s Complete Naxos Recordings

1. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra – Symphony No. 1 “Jeremiah”: I. Prophecy
2. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra – Symphony No. 1 “Jeremiah”: II. Profanation
3. Jennifer Johnson Cano – Symphony No. 1 “Jeremiah”: III. Lamentation

4. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1: The Prologue. Lento moderato
5. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 1, L’istesso tempo
6. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 2, Poco più mosso
7. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 3, Largamente, ma mosso
8. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 4, Più mosso
9. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 5
10. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 6, Poco meno mosso
11. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Ages”: Var. 7, L’istesso tempo
12. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 8, Molto moderato, ma movendo
13. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 9, Più mosso (Tempo di valse)
14. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 10, Più mosso
15. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 11, L’istesso tempo
16. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 12, Poco più vivace
17. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 13, L’istesso tempo
18. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 1 “The Seven Stages”: Var. 14, L’istesso tempo (Poco più vivace)
19. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 2: The Dirge. Largo
20. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 2: The Masque. Extremely Fast
21. Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Symphony No. 2 “The Age of Anxiety”, Pt. 2: The Epilogue. L’istesso tempo

22. Sao Paulo Symphony Chorus – Missa brevis: I. Kyrie

23. Paulo Mestre – Missa brevis: II. Gloria
24. Paulo Mestre – Missa brevis: III. Sanctus
25. Paulo Mestre – Missa brevis: IV. Benedictus
26. Paulo Mestre – Missa brevis: V. Agnus Dei
27. Paulo Mestre – Missa brevis: VI. Dona nobis pacem

28. Claire Bloom – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: Ia. Invocation
29. Claire Bloom – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: Ib. Kaddish 1
30. Claire Bloom – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: IIa. Din Torah
31. Claire Bloom, Kelley Nassief – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: IIb. Kaddish 2
32. Claire Bloom – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: IIIa. Scherzo
33. Claire Bloom – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: IIIb. Kaddish 3
34. Claire Bloom – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: IIIc. Finale
35. Kelley Nassief – Symphony No. 3 “Kaddish”: IIIc. Fugue

36. Claire Bloom, Paulo Mestre – The Lark (2012 Concert Version with Narrator by N.G. Lew & M. Alsop)

37. Philippe Quint, Timothy Walden – Serenade: I. Phaedrus – Pausanias
38. Philippe Quint, Timothy Walden – Serenade: II. Aristophanes
39. Philippe Quint, Timothy Walden – Serenade: III. Eryximachus
40. Philippe Quint, Timothy Walden – Serenade: IV. Agathon
41. Philippe Quint, Timothy Walden – Serenade: V. Socrates – Alcibiades

42. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Facsimile

43. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: I. Sennets & Tuckets. Allegro non troppo, ma con brio
44. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: II. Waltz. Allegretto, con grazia
45. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: III. Mazurka. Mesto
46. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: IV. Samba. Allegro giusto
47. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: V. Turkey Trot. Allegretto, ben misurato
48. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: VI. Sphinxes. Adagio lugubre
49. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: VII. Blues. Slow blues tempo
50. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Divertimento: VIII. In Memoriam. March “The BSO Forever”

51. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 1, Antiphon. Kyrie eleison
52. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 2, Hymn & Psalm. A Simple Song
53. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 3, Responsory. Alleluia
54. Jubilant Sykes, Asher Edward Wulfman – Mass: No. 4, Prefatory Prayers
55. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 5, Thrice-triple Canon. Dominus Vobiscum
56. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 6, In Nomine Patris
57. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 7, Prayer for the Congregation. Almighty Father
58. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 8, Epiphany
59. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 9, Confiteor
60. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 10, Trope. I Don’t Know
61. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 11, Trope. Easy
62. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra – Mass: No. 12, Meditation No. 1
63. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 13, Gloria Tibi
64. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 14, Gloria in Excelsis Deo
65. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 15, Trope. Half of the People
66. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 16, Trope. Thank You
67. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra – Mass: No. 17, Meditation No. 2
68. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 18, Epistle. The Word of the Lord
69. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 19, Gospel-sermon. God Said
70. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 20, Credo
71. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 21, Trope. Non Credo
72. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 22, Trope. Hurry
73. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 23, Trope. World Without End
74. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 24, Trope. I Believe in God
75. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 25, Meditation No. 3 (De Profundis, Pt. 1)
76. Peabody Children’s Chorus – Mass: No. 26, Offertory (De Profundis, Pt. 2)
77. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 27, The Lord’s Prayer. Our Father
78. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 28, Trope. I Go On
79. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 29, Sanctus
80. Morgan State University Choir – Mass: No. 30, Agnus Dei
81. Jubilant Sykes – Mass: No. 31, Fraction. Things Get Broken
82. Jubilant Sykes, Asher Edward Wulfman – Mass: No. 32, Pax. Communion. Secret Songs

83. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – On the Waterfront Suite

84. Elizabeth Franklin-Kitchen, Victoria Nayler, Jeremy Budd, Paul Charrier – Chichester Psalms: I. Psalm 108:2, Urah, hanevel, v’chinor! – Psalm 100, Hariu l’Adonai kol haarets
85. Thomas Kelly, Elizabeth Franklin-Kitchen, Victoria Nayler, Jeremy Budd, Paul Charrier – Chichester Psalms: II. Psalm 23, Adonai ro-i, lo eḥsar – Psalms 2:1–4, Lamah rag’shu gayim
86. Elizabeth Franklin-Kitchen, Victoria Nayler, Jeremy Budd, Paul Charrier – Chichester Psalms: III. Psalm 131, Adonai, Adonai – Psalm 133:1, Hineh mah tov

87. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – 3 Dance Episodes from On the Town: No. 1, The Great Lover
88. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – 3 Dance Episodes from On the Town: No. 2, Lonely Town
89. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – 3 Dance Episodes from On the Town: No. 3, Times Square

90. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Mambo (From “West Side Story”) [With Concert Ending]

91. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Slava!

92. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite (Arr. C. Harmon for Orchestra)

93. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – CBS Music: I. Fanfare & Titles (Arr. S. Ramin for Orchestra)
94. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – CBS Music: II. Quiet Music (Arr. J. Gottlieb for Orchestra)
95. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – CBS Music: III. Blues (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra)
96. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – CBS Music: IV. Waltz (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra)
97. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – CBS Music: V. Chorale (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra)

98. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Time Square Ballet (From “On the Town”)

99. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: For Lenny (LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB)
100. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: N.Y. Connotations
101. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: Variations on Leonard Bernstein’s New York, New York
102. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: For Lenny (Version for Piano & Orchestra)
103. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: For Lenny, with Love and Candor
104. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: To Lenny! To Lenny!
105. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: For Lenny’s Birthday
106. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet: Let’s Hear It For Lenny!

107. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Candide: Overture

108. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: I. Enter 3 Sailors
109. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: II. Scene at the Bar
110. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: III. Enter 2 Girls
111. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: IV. Pas de deux
112. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: V. Competition Scene
113. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: VIa. 3 Variations. Var. 1, Galop
114. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: VIb. 3 Variations. Var. 2, Waltz
115. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: VIc. 3 Variations. Var. 3, Danzon
116. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Fancy Free Suite: VII. Finale

117. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): I. For Helen Coates
118. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): II. For Paul Bowles
119. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): III. In Memoriam. William Kapell
120. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): IV. For Craig Urquhart
121. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): V. In Memoriam. Alfred Eisner
122. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): VI. For William Schuman
123. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): VII. For Stephen Sondheim
124. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): VIII. For My Daughter, Nina
125. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): IX. For Leo Smit
126. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): X. For Felicia Montealegre
127. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Anniversaries (Arr. G.E. Sunderland for Orchestra): XI. In Memoriam. Ellen Goetz

128. Orquestra Sinfônica Do Estado De São Paulo – Overture (From “Wonderful Town”) [Arr. C. Harmon for Orchestra]


Leonard Bernstein em 1971
Leonard Bernstein em 1971


100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): West Side Story (Bernstein)

100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): West Side Story (Bernstein)


Leonard Bernstein (Lawrence, 25 de agosto de 1918 – Nova Iorque, 14 de outubro de 1990). Aqui, todas as postagens desta série.

Já haviam me pedido pra postar West Side Story há mais de um ano (vi sem querer nos comentários de um post perdido). Como “a justiça tarda mas não falha” (frase original minha, que bolei agora), aí vai. Não é a versão original, mas o revival de 1984 com Carreras, Te Kanawa e Lenny regendo (procurem no YouTube um vídeo em que rola um estresse entre o tenor e o compositor nos ensaios de Maria). Prefiro a versão 1959, com os cantores pop do filme e tudo o mais (meu back up com ela está guardado não sei onde), porém nesta os cantores de ópera merecem um crédito por terem minimizado o quanto puderam as impostações chatas do bel canto.


Leonard Bernstein Conducts West Side Story [Soundtrack]

West Side Story
1-1 No. 1: Prologue 4:07
1-2 No. 2: Jet Song 3:14
1-3 No. 3: Something’s Coming 2:35
1-4 No. 4: The Dance At The Gym: Blues 1:45
1-5 No. 4: The Dance At The Gym: Promenade 0:27
1-6 No. 4: The Dance At The Gym: Mambo 2:23
1-7 No. 4: The Dance At The Gym: Cha-Cha 0:53
1-8 No. 4: The Dance At The Gym: Meeting Scene 1:27
1-9 No. 4: The Dance At The Gym: Jump 0:52
1-10 No. 5: Maria 2:57
1-11 No. 6: Balcony Scene (Tonight) 7:34
1-12 No. 7: America 4:49
1-13 No. 8: Cool 4:40
1-14 No. 9: One Hand, One Heart 5:40
1-15 No. 10: Tonight (Ensemble) 3:42
1-16 No. 11: The Rumble 3:04
2-1 No. 12: I Feel Pretty 3:27
2-2 No. 13: Ballet Sequence 1:05
2-3 Transition To Scherzo 0:38
2-4 Scherzo 1:31
2-5 Somewhere 2:37
2-6 Procession And Nightmare 3:15
2-7 No. 14: Gee, Officer Krupke! 4:20
2-8 No. 15: A Boy Like That 2:05
2-9 I Have A Love 3:30
2-10 No. 16: Taunting Scene 1:27
2-11 No. 17: Finale 2:36

Baritone Vocals [Riff] – Kurt Ollmann (tracks: 1-1 to 2-11)
Composed By, Conductor [Orchestra and Chorus Conducted By], Orchestrated By – Leonard Bernstein
Contractor [Chorus Contractor] – Adrienne Albert
Contractor [Orchestra’s Contracting Personnel Manager] – Samuel Levitan
Lyrics By – Stephen Sondheim (tracks: 1-1 to 2-11)
Mezzo-soprano Vocals [A Girl] – Marilyn Horne (tracks: 2-5)
Mezzo-soprano Vocals [Anita] – Tatiana Troyanos (tracks: 1-1 to 2-11)
Other [Dialect Coaching] – Nico Castel
Photography By – Christian Steiner (6), Susesch Bayat
Piano [Rehearsal Pianist And Coach] – Jim Stenborg
Producer – John McClure (tracks: 1-1 to 2-11)
Recording Supervisor – Hans Weber (tracks: 2-12 to 2-17)
Soprano Vocals [Maria] – Kiri Te Kanawa (tracks: 1-1 to 2-11)
Tenor Vocals [Tony] – José Carreras (tracks: 1-1 to 2-11)

Leonard Bernstein (Artist), Kiri Te Kanawa (Artist), José Carreras (Artist), Tatiana Troyanos (Artist), Kurt Ollmann (Artist), Marilyn Horne (Artist), Stephen Sondheim (Artist), Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (Artist)


Lenny em foto de Paul De Hueck
Lenny em foto de Paul De Hueck


100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Missa (Uma peça de teatro para cantores, músicos e dançarinos)

100 anos de Leonard Bernstein — Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Missa (Uma peça de teatro para cantores, músicos e dançarinos)


Leonard Bernstein (Lawrence, 25 de agosto de 1918 – Nova Iorque, 14 de outubro de 1990). Aqui, todas as postagens desta série.

Eu poderia escrever 10 páginas sobre a deslumbrante Missa de Bernstein, mas vou tratar de resumir, até porque tempo é tudo o que não há em minha vida atualmente. A Missa foi uma encomenda da família Kennedy para ser apresentada na inauguração do John F. Kennedy Center de Washington, em 1971. Encomendaram qualquer peça; não estava previsto se seria uma Sonata para Piano ou uma peça gigantesca que envolvesse orquestra, cantores e dançarinos… O tema também era livre. E Bernstein utilizou a liberdade que lhe foi dada… Quando soube-se que o compositor estava escrevendo uma Missa sobre textos da Missa católica, houve grande alegria por parte dos organizadores do evento, pois John Kennedy foi o primeiro presidente católico dos EUA e Bernstein fora sensível ao fato.

Mal sabiam eles que no que estavam se metendo. Bernstein fez ressucitar um certo trope, que seriam inserções ou comentários à missa que entravam a qualquer momento. Isto existe desde a Idade Média e são peças vocais que servem para explicar o latinório da Missa. Só que estávamos em 1971, eram tempos muito controversos e Lenny mostrou-se um perfeito ateu ao tecer comentários demolidores em seus tropes que misturam blues, rock e marchas militares. Alguns versos:

I believe in God,
But does God believe in me?
I’ll believe in any god
If any god there be.

I believe in one God,
But then I believe in three.
I’ll believe in twenty gods
If they`ll believe in me.

What I need I don’t have
What I have I don’t own
What I own I don’t want
What I want, Lord, I don’t know.

What I say I don’t feel
What I feel I don’t show
What I show isn’t real
What is real, Lord-I don’t know,
No, no, no-I don’t know.

O texto da Missa é do próprio Bernstein e de Stephen Schwarz. O trope Half of the People foi escrito por Paul Simon. Ao final da primeira apresentação, a plateia permaneceu três minutos em silêncio — uma eternidade certamente causada pelo pasmo frente a notável provocação de Lenny –, mas depois prorrompeu em aplausos de quase trinta minutos.

Ah, como não faz sentido ouvir sem saber o que está sendo cantado, coloco abaixo a letra completa da Missa.

Mais: esta versão de Alsop com a Orquestra de Baltimore dá de dez a zero na concorrência. Esqueçam Nagano e outros.

Leonard Bernstein – Mass (Missa — Uma peça de teatro para cantores, músicos e dançarinos)

Disc 1

1. Mass: Devotions before Mass: Antiphon: Kyrie eleison (High Soprano, Bass, Soprano 2, Alto, Tenor, Baritone)
2. Mass: Devotions before Mass: Hymn and Psalm, “A Simple Song” (Celebrant)
3. Mass: Devotions before Mass: Responsory, “Alleluia” (Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass)
4. Mass: First Introit: Prefatory Prayers (Street Chorus, Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Soprano, Celebrant, Boy Soprano, Boys’ Choir)
5. Mass: First Introit: Thrice-Triple Canon: Dominus vobiscum (Celebrant, Boys’ Choir, Street Chorus)
6. Mass: Second Introit: In nomine Patris (Boys’ Choir, Chorus, Celebrant)
7. Mass: Second Introit: Prayer for the Congregation, “Almighty Father” (Chorus)
8. Mass: Second Introit: Epiphany (Celebrant)
9. Mass: Confession: Confiteor (Chorus)
10. Mass: Confession: Trope, “I Don’t Know” (First Rock Singer and Descant, Second Rock Singer, Male Street Chorus)
11. Mass: Confession: Trope, “Easy” (First Blues Singer, Second Rock Singer, Second Blues Singer, Third Rock Singer, Third Blues Singer, First Rock Singer and Descant, Celebrant, Chorus)
12. Mass: Meditation No. 1
13. Mass: Gloria: Gloria tibi (Celebrant, Boys’ Choir)
14. Mass: Gloria: Gloria in Excelsis (Chorus)
15. Mass: Gloria: Trope, “Half of the People” (Street Chorus, Chorus)
16. Mass: Gloria: Trope, “Thank You” (Soprano, Street Chorus)
17. Mass: Meditation No. 2
18. Mass: Epistle: “The Word of the Lord” (Celebrant, A Young Man, Another Young Man, Street Chorus, An Older Man, A Young Woman)
19. Mass: Gospel-Sermon: “God Said” (Preacher, Street Chorus, 5 Solo Voices)
20. Mass: Credo: Credo in unum Deum (Celebrant, Chorus)
21. Mass: Credo: Trope: “Non Credo” (Street Chorus Male Group, Baritone) – “Crucifixus” (Chorus)
22. Mass: Credo: Trope, “Hurry” (Mezzo-soprano) – Sedet ad dexteram Patris (Chorus)
23. Mass: Credo: Trope, “World without End” (Street Chorus, Mezzo-soprano) – Et in Spiritum Sanctum (Chorus, 3 Solo Voices)
24. Mass: Credo: Trope, “I Believe in God” (3 Solo Voices, Street Chorus, Rock Singer, Chorus)
25. Mass: Meditation No. 3 (De profundis, Part 1) (Chorus, Celebrant)
26. Mass: Offertory (De profundis, Part 2) (Boys’ Choir, Chorus)

Disc 2

1. Mass: The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father ? (Celebrant)
2. Mass: The Lord’s Prayer: Trope, “I Go On” (Celebrant)
3. Mass: Sanctus (Celebrant, Boys’ Choir, Chorus, Counter-tenors, Street Chorus)
4. Mass: Agnus Dei (Soloists of Street Chorus, Street Chorus, Celebrant, Chorus)
5. Mass: Fraction: “Things Get Broken” (Celebrant)
6. Mass: Pax: Communion, “Secret Songs” (Boy Soprano, Bass, Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Street Chorus, Celebrant, Chorus)

Morgan State University Choir
Peabody Children’s Chorus
Baltimore Symphony
Marin Alsop


Letra completa:


Text from the Liturgy of the Roman Mass
Additional Texts by
Stephen Schwartz and Leonard Bernstein


1. Antiphon: Kyrie eleison

Kyrie eleison!
Lord, have mercy!

Kyrie eleison!
Lord, have mercy!

Soprano and Alto
Christe eleison!
Christ, have mercy!

Tenor and Baritone
Christe eleison!
Christ, have mercy!

2. Hymn and Psalm: “A Simple Song”

Sing God a simple song
Lauda, Laude…
Make it up as you go along
Laude, Laude…
Sing like you like to sing
God loves all simple things
For God is the simplest of all.

I will sing the Lord a new song
To praise Him, to bless Him, to bless the Lord.
I will sing His praises while I live
All of days.

Blessed is the man who loves the Lord,
Blessed is the man who praises Him.
Lauda, Lauda, Laude…
And walks in His ways.

I will life up my eyes
To the hills from whence comes my help.
I will lift up my voice to the Lord
Singing Lauda, Laude.

For the Lord is my shade,
Is the shade upon my right hand
And the sun shall not smite me by day
Nor the moon by night…
Blessed is the man who loves the Lord –

Lauda, Lauda, Laude –
And walks in His ways.

Lauda, Lauda, Laude
Lauda, Lauda di da di day…
All of my days.

3. Responsory: Alleluia

Six Solo Voices
Du bing, du bang, du bong, etc.

Alleluia! etc.


1. Prefatory Prayers

Street Chorus
Kyrie eleison!
Christe eleison!
Lord have mercy!
Christ have mercy!

Gloria Patri et Filio,
Et Spiritui Sancto!
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!

Sicut erat in principio
Et nunc et semper,
Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen
As it was in the beginning,
Is now and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen.

Introibo ad altare Dei.
I will go up to the alter of God.

Ad Deum qui laetificat
juventutem meam.
To God, who gives joy to my youth.

Asperges me, Domine,
Hyssopo, et mundabor.
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop,
O Lord, and I shall be cleansed.

Two Sopranos
Emitte lucem tuam,
Et veritatem tuam.
Send forth Thy light,
and Thy truth.

Ostende nobis, Domine
Show us, Lord


Ostende nobis
Misericordiam tuam.
Show us
Thy mercy.

Vidi aquam egredientem
De templo latere dextro
Et omnes ad quos pervenit
Aqua ista salvi facti sunt,
Et dicent:
I saw the water issuing from
the right side of the temple
And all those to whom it comes
Are saved by that very water
And say:

Alleluia, alleleluiaia! etc.
Alleluia, alleleluiaia! etc.

Boys’ Choir
Kyrie eleison!
Lord, have mercy!

Christe eleison!
Christ, have mercy!

Boy (solo)
Here I go up to the altar of God.
In I go, up I go
To God who made me young
To God who made me happy
To God who makes me happy to be young.

Street Chorus and Boys’ Choir

2. Thrice-Triple Canon: Dominus vobiscum

Dominus vobiscum.
The Lord be with you.

Boys’ Choir
Et cum spiritu tuo.
And with thy spirit.

Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit.


1. In nomine Patris

In the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et
Spiritus Sancti, Amen.

Let us rise and pray.

Let us rise and pray.

Almighty Father, bless this house. And bless and protect all who are assembled in it.

2. Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale: “Almighty Father”)

Almighty Father, incline Thine ear:
Bless us and all those who have gathered here
Thine angel send us
Who shall defend us all
And fill with grace
All who dwell in this place.

3. Epiphany


I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the archangel, to blessed
John the Baptist, to the holy apostles, Peter and Paul…

1. Confiteor

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti,
Beatae Mariae, semper Virgini,
Beato Michaeli archangelo,
Beato Joanni Baptistae,
Sanctis Apostolis Petro
et Paulo,
Omnibus sanctis,
Et vobis, fratres:
Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
verbo et opere:
Mea culpa, mea culpa,
mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatam Mariam
semper Virginem,
Beatum Michaelem Archangelum,
beatum Joannem Baptistam,
Sanctos Apostolos Petrum
et Paulum,
Omnes sanctos, et vos, fratres,
Orare pro me
Ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
I confess Almighty God,
To blessed Mary ever Virgin,
To blessed Michael the archangel,
To blessed John the Baptist,
To the holy apostles Peter
and Paul,
To all the saints,
And to you, brothers:
That I have sinned exceedingly in
Thought, word and deed:
Through my fault, through
my own most grievous fault.
Therefore I beseech the Blessed
Mary ever Virgin,
Blessed Michael the archangel,
Blessed John the Baptist,
The holy apostles Peter
and Paul,
All the saints, and you, brothers,
To pray for me
To the Lord our God.

2. Trope: “I Don’t Know”

Male Street Chorus
Confiteor, Confiteor…

First Rock Singer
Lord, I could go confess
Good and loud, nice and slow
Get this load off my chest
Yes, but why, Lord-I don’t know.

I don’t know why every time
I find a new love I wound up destroying it.
I don’t know why I’m
So crazy-minded, I keep on kind of enjoying it-
Why I drift off to sleep
With pledges of deep resolve again,
Then along comes the day
And suddenly they dissolve again-
I don’t know…

(with Descant)

What I say I don’t feel
What I feel I don’t show
What I show isn’t real
What is real, Lord-I don’t know,
No, no, no-I don’t know.

3. Trope: “Easy”

First Blues Singer
Well, I went to the holy man and I confessed…
Look, I can beat my breast
With the best.
And I’ll say almost anything that gets me blessed
Upon request…

It’s easy to shake the blame for any crime
By trotting out that ‘mea culpa’ pantomime:
‘Yes, yes, I’m sad, I sinned, I’m bad.’
Then go out and do it one more time.

Second Rock Singer
I don’t know where to start
There’s so much I could show
If I opened my heart
But how far, Lord, but how far can I go?
I don’t know.

Second Blues Singer
If you asked me to join you in some real good vice
Now that might be nice
Once or twice
But don’t look for sacraments or sacrifice
They’re not worth the price

It’s easy to have yourself a fine affair
Your body’s always ready, but your soul’s not there
Don’t count on trust
Come love, come lust,
It’s so easy when you just don’t care.

Third Rock Singer
What I need I don’t have
What I have I don’t own
What I own I don’t want
What I want Lord, I don’t know.

Third Blues Singer
If you ask me to sing you verse that’s versatile
I’ll be glad to beguile you
For a while
But don’t look for content beneath the style
Sit back and smile

It’s easy for you to dig my jim-jam jive,
And, baby, please observe how neatly I survive.
And what could give
More positive
Plain proof that living is easy when you’re half alive.

All Three Rock Singers
Lord, I could go confess…

All Three Blues Singers

All Three Rock Singers
Good and loud, nice and slow…

All Three Blues Singers

Beatam Mariam semper Virginem (Ideo precor)
Beatum Michaelem Archangleum, beatum Joannem Baptistam,
Sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum,
Omnes sanctos, et vos, fratres,
Orate pro me
Ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

All Six Soloists
What I say I don’t feel
What I feel I don’t show
What I show isn’t real
What is real, Lord-I don’t know,
No, no, no-I don’t know.

First Rock Singer
Come on, Lord, if you’re so great
Show me how, where to go
Show me now-I can’t wait
Maybe it’s too late,
I don’t know…

First Blues Singer

Celebrant (speaking)
God forgive you.

All (speaking)
God forgive us all.

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

Let us pray.



1. Gloria tibi

Gloria tibi, Gloria tibi,
Glory to You, Glory to You

Boys’ Choir
Gloria tibi, Gloria tibi,
Glory to You, Glory to You

Celebrant and Boys’ Choir
Gloria Patri,
Gloria Filio,
Et Spiritui Sancto.
Laudamus te,
Adoramus te,
Glorificamus te,
Benedicimus te.
Glory to the Father,
Glory to the Son,
And the Holy Spirit.
We praise You,
We adore You,
We glorify You,
We bless You.

Gloria Patri
Gloria Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto.
Glory to the Father,
Glory to the Son,
And the Holy Spirit.

Glory to God in the Highest and Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will!

2. Gloria in excelsis

Gloria in excelsis Deo,
et in terra pax hominibus
bonae voluntatis.
Laudamus te,
Adoramus te,
Benedicimus te.
Glorificamus te.
Gratias agimus tibi propter
magnam gloriam tuam:
Domine Deus, Rex caelestis.
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Jesu Christe;
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei,
Filius Patris;
Qui tollis peccata
miserere nobis;
suscipe deprecationem nostram;
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,
miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solis Sanctus,
Tu solus Dominus,
Tu solus Altissimus:
Jesu Christe,
Cum Sancto Spiritu: in gloria
Dei Patris, Amen.
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace to men of
good will.
We praise Thee,
We adore Thee,
We bless Thee,
We glorify Thee.
We give Thee thanks for Thy
great Glory:
Lord God, heavenly King,
God the Almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of
the Father:
Who takest away the sins of the
have mercy upon us;
Receive our prayer;
Thou who sittest at the right hand
of the Father, have mercy upon us.
For Thou alone art the Holy One,
Thou alone art Lord,
Thou, Jesus Christ, alone art the
Most High,
With the Holy Spirit, in the glory
of God the Father. Amen.

3. Trope: “Half of the People”

Street Chorus and Band
*Half of the people are stoned
And the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned
and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction.

* this quatrain was a Christmas present from Paul Simon. Gratias, L.B.

They call it Glorious Living
They call it Glorious Living
And baby where does that leave you,
You and your kind-

…miserere nobis, suscipe
deprecationem nostram…

Street Chorus and Band
—you and your youth and your mind?
Nowhere, Nowhere, Nowhere.

Half of the people are stoned
And the other half are waiting for the next election-

4. Trope: “Thank You.”

Soprano Solo
There once were days so bright
And nights when every cricket call seemed right
And I sang Gloria
Then I sang Gratias Deo
I knew a glorious feeling
of thank you and…
Thank you…

The bend of a willow
A friend and a pillow
A lover whose eyes
Could mirror my cries of Gloria…

And now, it’s strange
Somehow, though nothing much has really changed
I miss the Gloria
I don’t sing Gratias Deo
I can’t say quite when it happened
But gone is the…
…thank you…

Street Chorus
Half the people are drowned, and the other half
Are swimming in the wrong direction.

Let us pray.

VII. MEDITATION NO. 2 (orchestra)

VIII. EPISTLE: “The Word of the Lord”

Brothers: This is the gospel I preach; and in its service I have suffered hardships like a criminal; yea, even unto imprisonment; but there is no imprisoning the Word of God…

A Young Man
Dearly Beloved: Do not be surprised if the world hates you. We who love our brothers have crossed over to life, but they who do not love, abide in death. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.

Another Young Man
Dear Mom and Dad… Do not feel badly or worry about me. Nothing will make me change. Try to understand: I am now a man.

You can lock up the bold men
Go and lock up your bold men
And hold men in tow,
You can stifle all adventure
For a century or so.
Smother hope before it’s risen
Watch it wizen like a gourd,
But you cannot imprison
The Word of the Lord.

Celebrant and Chorus
No, you cannot imprison
The Word of the Lord.

For the Word
For the Word was at the birth of the beginning
It made the heavens and the earth and set them spinning,
And for several million years
It’s withstood all our forums and fine ideas.
It’s been rough
It’s been rough but it appears to be winning!

There are people who doubt it
There are people who doubt it and shout it out loud,
Oh, they bellow and they bluster ‘til they muster up a crowd.
They can fashion a rebuttal that’s as subtle as a sword,
But they’re never gonna scuttle the Word of the Lord.

Celebrant and Chorus
No, they’re never gonna scuttle the Word of the Lord!

An Older Man
Dear Brothers: …I think that God has made us apostles the most abject of mankind. We hunger and thirst, we are naked, we are roughly handled, and we have no fixed abode…They curse us and we bless. They persecute us and we suffer it…They treat us as the scum of the earth, the dregs of humanity, to this very day.

A Young Girl
Dear Folks: Jim looked very well on my first visit. With his head clean-shaven, he looked about 19 years old. He says the prison food is very good. For the first few days he’s not allowed any books except his Bible. When I hugged him he smelled so good, a smell of clean plain soap; like a child when you put him to bed.

All you big men of merit,
all you big men of merit
who ferret out flaws,
you rely on our compliance
with your science and your laws.

Find a freedom to demolish
while you polish some award,
but you cannot abolish the Word of the Lord.

Celebrant and Chorus
No, you cannot abolish
the Word of the Lord.

For the Word,
for the Word created mud and got it going
It filled our empty brains with blood and set it flowing
And for thousands of regimes
It’s endured all our follies and fancy schemes.
It’s been tough,
It’s been tough, and yet it seems to be growing!

O you people of power,
O you people of power, your hour is now.
You may plan to rule forever, but you never do somehow.

So we wait in silent treason until reason is restored
and we wait for the season of the Word of the Lord.
We await the season of the Word of the Lord.
We wait…we wait for the Word of the Lord…


God said: Let there be light.
And there was light.

God said: Let there be night.
And there was night.

God said: Let there be day.
And there was day…

…day to follow the night.

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was goddam good.

God said: Let there be storms
Storms to bring life…

…life in all of its forms,
Forms such as herds…

…herds and gaggles and swarms
Swarms that have names…

…names and numbers and norms.

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was goddam good!

God said: Let there be gnats
Let there be sprats…

…sprats to gobble the gnats
So that the sprats…

…sprats may nourish the rats,
Making them fat…

…fat, fine food for the cats.

And they grew fat, brother

And the grew fat, brother

All but the gnats, brother

They all grew fearful fat.

And God saw it was good

God made it be good

Created it good

Created the gnats…

…gnats to nourish the sprats…

…sprats to nurture the rats

And all for us big fat cats.

Us cats!

And it was good, and it was good,
And it was good, and it was good.

First Solo
God said it’s good to be poor,
Good men must not be secure;
So if we steal from you,
It’s just to help you stay pure.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Second Solo (antiphonally with Chorus)
God said take charge of my zoo
I made these creatures for you;
So he won’t mind if we
Wipe out a species or two.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Third Solo
God said to spread His commands
To folks in faraway lands;
They may not want us there,
But man it’s out of our hands.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Fourth Solo
God said that sex should repulse
Unless it leads to results;
And so we crowd the world
Full of consenting adults.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Fifth Solo
God said it’s good to be meek
And so we are once a week;
It may not mean a lot
But oh, it’s terribly chic.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

God made us the boss
God gave us the cross
We turned it into a sword
To spread the Word of the Lord
We use His holy decrees
To do whatever we please


And it was good!


And it was good, Yeah!
And it was goddam good!

God said: Let there be light.
And there was light.

God said: Let there be night.
And there was night.

God said: Let there be day.
And there was day…

…day to follow the night.

And it was good, brother!

And it was good, brother!

And it was good brother!

And it was…


I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord…(etc.)

1. Credo in unum Deum

Chorus and percussion on Quadraphonic tape
Credo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipotentem,
Factorem caeli et terrae,
Visibilium omnium et
Et in unum Dominum Jesum
Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum.
Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero.
Genitum, non factum,
consubstantialem Patri:
Per quem omnia
facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines et
propter nostram salutem
descendit de caelis.
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu
Ex Maria Virgine: et homo
factus est.
I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
And of all things visible
and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
only-begotten Son of God.
Born of the Father before all
God of God, light of light,
true God of true God;
Begotten, not made, of one
essence with the Father:
Through whom all things were made.
Who for us men, and for our
salvation, came down from
And was incarnate by the Holy
Of the Virgin Mary: and was
made man.

2. Trope: Non Credo

First Solo
Et homo factus est
And was made man…

And you became a man
You, God, chose to become a man
To pay the earth a small social call
I tell you, sir, you never were
A man at all
You had the choice
when to live
To die
And then
Become a god again

And was made man…

And then a plaster god like you
Has the gall to tell me what to do
To become a man
To show my respect on my knees
Go genuflect, but don’t expect guarantees
Just play it dumb
Play it blind
But when
I go
Will I become a god again?

Possibly yes, probably no…

Yes, probably no

Give me a choice
I never had a choice
Or I would have been a simple tree
A barnacle in a silent sea
Anything but what I must be
A man
A man
A man!

Possibly yes, probably no…

You knew what you had to do
You knew why you had to die
You chose to die, and then revive again
You chose, you rose
Alive again
But I
I don’t know why
I should live
If only to die
Well, I’m not gonna buy it!

Possibly yes, probably no…

I’ll never say credo.
How can anybody say credo?
I want to say cr…

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis
sub Pontio Pilato,
Passus, et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die,
secundum Scripturas.
Et ascendit in caelum:
Sedet ad dexteram Patris.
Et iterum venturus est
cum gloria
judicare vivos et mortuos.
He was also crucified for our sake
under Pontius Pilate,
suffered, and was buried.
And the third day He rose again
according to the Scriptures.
And He ascended into heaven:
And is seated at the right hand of
the Father. And He will come again
with glory
to judge the living and the dead.

3. Trope: “Hurry”

Second Solo
You said you’d come again
When things got really rough
So you made us all suffer
While they got a bit rougher
Tougher and tougher
Well, things are tough enough.

So when’s your next appearance on the scene?
I’m ready
Went to church for clearance and I’m clean
And steady
While I’m waiting I can get my bags packed
Flags flown
Shoes blacked
Wings sewn

Oh don’t you worry –
I could even learn to play the harp
You know it
Show it
Hurry and come again.

Sedet ad dexteram
Et iterum venturus est cum gloria
judicare vivos et mortuos:
Cujus regni non erit finis-
He is seated at the right hand of
the Father.
He will come again with glory
to judge the living and the dead:
Whose reign will be without end-

4. Trope: “World Without End”

Street Chorus
Non erit finis…
World without end…

Third Solo
Whispers of living, echoes of warning
Phantoms of laughter on the edges of morning
World without end spins endlessly on
Only the men who lived here are gone
Gone on a permanent vacation
Gone to await the next creation

World without end at the end of the world
Lord, don’t you know it’s the end of the world?
Lord, don’t you care if it all ends today?
Sometimes I’d swear that you planned it this way…

Dark are the cities, dead is the ocean
Silent and sickly are the remnants of motion
World without end turns mindlessly round
Never a sentry, never a sound
No one to prophesy disaster
No one to help it happen faster
No one to expedite the fall
On one to soil the breeze
No one to oil the seas
No one to anything
No one to anything
No one to anything at all…

Et in spiritum Sanctum, Dominum
et vivificantem:
Qui ex Patre Filio que
Qui cum Patre, et Filio simul
adoratur, et conglorificatur:
Qui locutus est per Prophetas.
Et unam sanctam catholicam et
apostolicam Ecclesiam.
Confiteor unum baptisma in
remissionem peccatorum.
Et exspecto resurrectionem
Et vitam venturi saeculi.
I believe also in the Holy Spirit,
Lord and life-giver:
Who proceeds from the Father
and the Son.
Who together with the Father,
and the Son is adored, and glorified:
Who spoke through the prophets.
And I believe in one holy, catholic
and apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for
the remission of sins.
And I await the resurrection of
the dead,
And the life in the world to come.

First Solo
You chose…You rose…
A man!…A man!…You chose!…You rose!

Second Solo
Hurry and come again…
Bags packed, wings sewn, Hurry!…Hurry!…

Third Solo
World without end, end of the world!
End of the world! Lord, don’t you care?
Lord, don’t you care?

5. Trope: “I Believe in God”

Fourth Solo
Amen! Amen! Amen!

I believe in God,
But does God believe in me?
I’ll believe in any god
If any god there be.
That’s a pact. Shake on that. No taking back.

I believe in one God,
But then I believe in three.
I’ll believe in twenty gods
If they’ll believe in me.
That’s a pact. Shake on that. No taking back.

Who created my life?
Made it come to be?
Who accepts this awful

Is there someone out there?
If there is, then who?

Are you listening to this song
I’m singing just for you?

I believe my singing.
Do you believe it too?
I believe each note I sing
But is it getting through?

I believe in F sharp.
I believe in G.
But does it mean a thing to you
Or should I change my key?

How do you like A-flat?
Do you believe in C? –

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis –

Do you believe in anything
That has to do with me?

Street Chorus
I believe in God,
But does God believe in me?
I’ll believe in thirty gods
If they’ll believe in me.
That’s a pact. Shake on that. No taking back.

I’ll believe in sugar and spice,
I’ll believe in everything nice;
I’ll believe in you and you and you
And who…
Who’ll believe in me?

Let us pray.

XI. MEDITATION NO. 3 (De Profundis, part 1)

De profundis clamavi ad te,
Domine, audi vocem meam!
Fiant aures tuae intentae
Ad vocem obsecrationis meae.
Si delictorum memoriam
Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?
Sed penes te est peccatorum
Ut cum reverentia serviatur
Spero in Dominum;
Sperat anima mea in verbum eius.
Spero! Sperat!
From the depths I cried to you,
O Lord;
Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears attend
The voice of my supplication.
If you, O Lord, remember only
our iniquities,
Lord, Lord, who can survive it?
But in your hands is the forgiveness
of sins,
That you may be served in
I trust in the Lord;
My soul trusts in His word.

Memento, Domine – Remember, O Lord, Thy servants and handmaids…[ad lib. names of cast members]…and all here present, whose faith is known to Thee, and for whom we offer up this sacrifice. We beseech Thee in the fellowship of communion, graciously to accept it and to grant peace to our days.

XII. OFFERTORY (De Profundis, part 2)

Boys’ Choir
Exspectat anima mea Dominum
Magis quam custodes
Exspectet Israel Dominum,
Quia penes Dominum
Misericordia et copiosa penes
eum redemptio:
Et ipse redimet Israel ex
omnibus iniquitatibus eius.
Gloria Patri.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than they who wait for the
Let Israel wait for the Lord,
For with the Lord is compassion
And with Him is plentiful
And He will redeem Israel from all
its iniquities.
Glory to the Father.


1. Our Father…

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed by Thy name.
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.

2. Trope: “I Go On”

When the thunder rumbles
Now the Age of Gold is dead
And the dreams we’ve clung to dying to stay young
Have left us parched and old instead…
When my courage crumbles
When I feel confused and frail
When my spirit falters on decaying altars
And my illusions fail,

I go on right then.
I go on again.
I go on to say
I will celebrate another day…
I go on…

If tomorrow tumbles
And everything I love is gone
I will face regret
All my days, and yet
I will still go on… on…
Lauda, Lauda, Laude
Lauda, Laude di da di day…


Holy is the Lord God of Hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory!

Boys’ Choir (calling from side to side)
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of Hosts.

Pleni sunt coeli et terra
Gloria tua.
Heaven and earth are full of
Thy glory.

Osanna, Osanna, Osanna!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!

Boys’ Choir
Benedictus qui venit in
nomine Domini.
Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord.

Osanna, Osanna, Osanna in
Osanna in excelsis!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in
the highest!
Hosanna in the Highest!

Mi… Mi…
Mi alone is only mi.
But mi with sol
Me with soul
Mi sol
Means a song is beginning
Is beginning to grow
Take wing, and rise up singing
From me and my soul.
Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh!
Holy! Holy! Holy!

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
Adonai ts’va-ot
M’Lo chol ha-aretz k’vodo
Holy! Holy! Holy!
Lord God of Hosts.
All the heavens and earth are full
of His glory.

(With Street Chorus)
Singing: Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of Hosts.
All the heavens and earth
Are full of His glory.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
Adonai ts’va-ot
M’Lo chol ha-aretz k’vodo
Baruch ha’ba
B’shem Adonai
B’shem Adonai!
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of Hosts.
All the heavens and earth are full
of His glory.
Blessed is he who comes
In the name of the Lord
In the name of the Lord!

All Voices


Male Soloists
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata
Agnus Dei;
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata
Miserere, miserere nobis!
Miserere, miserere nobis!
Lamb of God,
Lamb of God, who takest
away the sins of the world
Lamb of God;
Lamb of God, who takest
away the sins of the world
Have mercy, have mercy on us!
Have mercy, have mercy on us!

Male and Female Soloists
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
Agnus Dei;
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
Miserere, Miserere nobis!
Miserere, Miserere nobis!

All Soloists and Street Chorus
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi;
Dona nobis pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!
Pacem! Pacem!
Give us peace!
Give us peace!
Peace! Peace!

Celebrant (speaking)
Hoc est enim corpus meum!
This is my Body!

Chorus (Men)

Celebrant (grasping the Chalice)
Hic est enim Calix Sanguinis Mei!
This is the Chalice of My Blood!

Dona… nobis… pacem…

Hostiam puram
Pure offering!

Chorus (Women)
Dona nobis pacem-

Hostiam sanctam…
Holy offering…

Chorus (Women)
Dona nobis pacem –

Hostiam immaculatam…
Immaculate offering…

Chorus (Men)
Dona nobis pacem –

Chorus (Women)
Pacem –

Full Chorus
Pacem! Pacem!

Street Chorus plus Choir
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
Dona nobis pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!
Pacem! Pacem!


Choir (Women)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi

Choir (Men)
Miserere nobis.

Non sum dignus, Domine.
I am not worthy, Lord.

Choir (Women)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi

Choir (Men)
Miserere nobis!

I am not worthy, Lord.

Choir (Women)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi!

Choir (Men)
Dona nobis pacem!




Pacem! Pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!


Dona pacem! Pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!

Choir (the music turning imperceptibly into Blues-stanzas)
Dona nobis, nobis pacem,
Pacem dona, dona nobis,
Nobis pacem, pacem dona
Dona nobis, nobis pacem,
Pacem dona, dona nobis…

Nobis pacem, pacem dona,
Dona nobis, nobis pacem,
Pacem dona, dona nobis,
Nobis pacem, pacem dona,
Dona nobis, nobis pacem.

Tenor Solo (gradually joined by five other male soloists)
We’re not down on our knees,
We’re not praying,
We’re not asking you please,
We’re just saying:
Give us peace now and peace to hold on to
And God give us some reason to want to
Dona nobis, Dona nobis,

Men (and a few Women)
You worked six days and rested on Sunday.
We can tear the whole mess down in one day.
Give us peace now and we don’t mean later.
Don’t forget you were once our creator!
Dona nobis, Dona nobis.

We’ve got quarrels and qualms and such questions,
Give us answers, not psalms and suggestions.
Give us peace that we don’t keep on breaking,
Give us something or we’ll just start taking!
Dona nobis, Dona nobis.

We’re fed up with your heavenly silence,
And we only get action with violence,
So if we can’t have the world we desire,
Lord, we’ll have to set this one on fire!
Dona nobis, Dona nobis.

XVI. FRACTION: “Things Get Broken”


Look…Isn’t that – odd…
Red wine – isn’t red – at all…
It’s sort of – brown…brown and blue…
I never noticed that.
What are you staring at?
Haven’t you ever seen an accident before?

Look…Isn’t that – odd…
Glass shines – brighter –
When it’s – broken…
I never noticed that.

How easily things get broken.
How easily things get broken.
Glass – and brown wine –
Thick – like blood…
Rich – like honey and blood…

Hey – don’t you find that funny?
I mean, it’s supposed to be blood…
I mean, it is blood…His…
It was…
How easily things get broken…

What are you staring at?
Haven’t you ever seen an accident before?

Come on, come on, admit it,
Confess it was fun –
Wasn’t it?
You know it was exciting
To see what I’ve done.

Come on, you know you loved it.
You’re dying for more.
Wasn’t it smashing
To see it all come crashing
Right down to the floor!

You were right, little brothers,
You were right all along.
Little brothers and sisters,
It was I who was wrong –
So earnest, so solemn,
As stiff as a column,

“Lauda, Lauda, Laude.”
Little brothers and sisters,
You were right all along!
It’s got to be exciting,
It’s got to be strong.

Come on! Come on and join me,
Come join in the fun:

Shatter and splatter
Pitcher and platter
What do we care?
We won’t be there!
What does it matter?
What does it…

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Haven’t you ever seen an accident before?

Listen…Isn’t that – odd…
We can – be – so still…
so still and – numb…
How easily things get quiet.

Quiet… God is very ill…
We must… all be very still…
His voice… has grown so small,
Almost… not there at all…
Don’t you cry…

Pray, pray… you sons of men
Don’t let… him die again

Stay, oh stay…

Why are you waiting?
Just go on without me
Stop waiting
What is there about me
That you’ve been respecting
And what have you all been
Expecting to see?

Take a look, there is nothing
But me under this,
There is nothing you’ll miss!
Put it on, and you’ll see
Any one of you can be
Any one of me!

Are you still waiting?
Still waiting for me,
Me alone,
To sing you into heaven?
Well, you’re on your own.

Come on, say it,
What has happened to
All of your vocal powers?
Sing it, pray it.
Where’s that mumbo and jumbo
I’ve heard for hours?

Praying and pouting,
Braying and shouting litanies,
Chanting epistles,
Bouncing your missals
On your knees…

Go on whining,
Pining, moaning, intoning,
Groaning obscenities!
Why have you stopped praying?
Stopped your Kyrieing?
Where is your crying and complaining?
Where is your lying and profaning?
Where is your agony?
Where is your malady?
Where is your parody
Of God – said –
Let there be and there was
God said:
Let there Beatam Mariam semper Virginem,
Beatam miss the Gloria,

I don’t sing Gratias
Agimus tibi propter magnam
Gloriam tu – am – en…
Amen. Amen.

I’m in a hurry –
And come again.
You said you’d come…

Come love, come lust,
It’s so easy if you just
Don’t care-

Lord, don’t you care…

…if it all ends today…

…profundis clamavi
Clamavi ad te,
Domine, ad Dominum,
Ad Dom…

…A-donai – don’t know –
I don’t no – bis…
Miserere nobis…

Mi alone is only me…
But mi with so…
Me with s…mi…

Oh, I suddenly feel every step I’ve ever taken,
And my legs are lead
And I suddenly see every hand I’ve ever shaken,
And my arms are dead
I feel every psalm that I’ve ever sung
Turn to wormwood on my tongue.
And I wonder,
Oh, I wonder,
Was I ever really young?

It’s odd how all my body trembles,
Like all this mass
Of glass on the floor.
How fine it would be to rest my head,
And lay me down,
Down in the wine,
Which never was really red.
But sort of – brown…
And let not – another word –
Be spoken…


…How easily things get broken.

XVII. PAX: COMMUNION (“Secret Songs”)

Boy Soprano
Sing God a secret song
Lauda, Laude…
Lauda, Lauda, Laude.
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate.
Laude Deum,
Laudate Eum.
Praise, praise …
Praise God,
Praise Him.

Bass Solo
Lauda, Laude,
Lauda, Laude,
Laude Deum,
Laude Eum…

Bass Solo and Boy Soprano
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate…

First Couple
Lauda, Laude…

Lauda, Lauda, Lauda, Laude.
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate Deum.
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate Eum.
Laude Deum, Laudate Eum.

Pax tecum!
Peace be with you!

Boy Soprano and Celebrant
Lauda, etc.

All Voices, Including Stage Instrumentalists
Almighty Father, incline thine ear:
Bless us and all those who have gathered here –
thine angel send us –
Who shall defend us all;
And fill with grace
All who dwell in this place. Amen.

Voice On Tape
The Mass is ended; go in Peace.

Estreia da Missa de Leonard Bernstein no Carnegie Hall
Foto tirada quando da estreia da Missa de Leonard Bernstein no Carnegie Hall

CVL fez a postagem original
PQP é responsável pelo texto, colocação da letra da obra e pela repostagem

Philip Glass – Violin Concerto nº1, Leonard Bernstein – Serenade after Plato´s “Symposyum” – Capuçon, Russel Davies, BOL

frontConfesso que estou adentrando em terras estranhas nesta postagem. Mas resolvi investigar um pouco o século XX, principalmente Phillip Glass.
Esta gravação do Renaud Capuçon é bem recente, foi realizada ainda em 2017, e está muito bem acompanhado pelo experiente maestro Dennis Russel Davies, um especialista em Phillip Glass.
Para os que admiram o minimalismo de Glass, taí um prato cheio para degustarem.
A segunda obra deste CD é a Serenade after Plato´s “Symposyum”, de Bernstein, já antecipando as comemorações pelo Centenário de Lenny Bernstein, um dos maiores regentes do século XX, além de um dos melhores compositores norte americanos.

01 – Glass – Violin Concerto No. 1. I
02 – Violin Concerto No. 1. II
03 – Violin Concerto No. 1. III
04 – Bernstein – I. Phaedrus; Pausanias
05 – II. Aristophanes
06 – III. Eryximachus
07 – IV. Agathon
08 – V. Socrates; Alcibiades

Renaud Capuçon – Violin
Bruckner Orchester Linz
Dennis Russel Davies – Conductor



History of the Sacred Music – 19th and 20th centuries – Les Temps Modernes: vol. 25/26/27/28

BOOKLET_FRONTHarmonia Mundi: História da Música Sacra

19th and 20th centuries

Les Temps Modernes: vol. 25/26/27/28





CD25_FRONTHistory of the Sacred Music vol 25
Missa Solemnis op. 123 en Ré majeur
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Vocale
Orchestre des Champs Élysées
Herreweghe, Philippe (Dir)




CD26_FRONTHistory of the Sacred Music vol 26
Various motets
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847)
RIAS Kammerchor. Maestro Marcus Creed
Marcus Creed (Dir)

5 motetts
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) 
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Gent
Ensemble Musique Oblique
Herreweghe, Philippe (Dir)


BAIXE AQUI – DOWNLOAD HERE – vols. 25 + 26

BAIXE AQUI – DOWNLOAD HERE – vols. 25 + 26
MP3 | 320 kbps | 332 MB


CD27_FRONTHistory of the Sacred Music vol 27
Messe en Sol majeur (1939) & Motets
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847)
RIAS Kammerchor.
Marcus Creed (Dir)

Mass: A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers (part 1/2)
Leonard Bernstein (1918 – 1990)
Deutsches Symphonie & Orchester Berlin
Pacific Mozart Ensemble
Rundfunkchor Berlin
Kent Nagano (dir)

CD28_FRONTHistory of the Sacred Music vol 28
Mass: A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers (part 2/2)
Leonard Bernstein (1918 – 1990)
Deutsches Symphonie & Orchester Berlin
Pacific Mozart Ensemble
Rundfunkchor Berlin
Kent Nagano (dir)



BAIXE AQUI – DOWNLOAD HERE – vols. 27 + 28

BAIXE AQUI – DOWNLOAD HERE – vols. 27 + 28
MP3 | 320 kbps | 330 MB

powered by iTunes 12.2.3

VOL. 30: Encarte e letras dos 29 CDs – 4,6 MB – AQUI – HERE

Boa audição!



Bernstein / Carreño / Castellanos / Estévez / Ginastera / Márquez / Revueltas / Romero: Gustavo Dudamel – Fiesta

Bernstein / Carreño / Castellanos / Estévez / Ginastera / Márquez / Revueltas / Romero: Gustavo Dudamel – Fiesta

Dudamel, grande revelação da regência da atualidade e figurinha repetida daqui do blog não? Mas sempre é bom falar mais um pouco sobre ele.

Dudamel já foi abençoado pela santíssima trindade da regência da capital musical do planeta, Berlim. Claudio Abbado, o mítico maestro da Filarmônica entre 1989 e 2002, viajou várias vezes à Venezuela para reger a Orquestra Sinfônica Juvenil Simón Bolívar, com a qual Dudamel tem percorrido o planeta. Sir Simon Rattle, sucessor de Abbado na Filarmônica, chamou o jovem de “o maestro mais dotado que já vi”, e dividiu com ele o pódio da turnê norte-americana da Simón Bolívar. Daniel Barenboim, diretor da Ópera de Berlim, atuou como pianista sob a batuta do jovem prodígio, ao lado da Filarmônica de Viena, e o convidou a reger em seu teatro. Se Dudamel é bom para Abbado, Rattle e Barenboim, é bom também para a gravadora Deutsche Grammophon. Além de um DVD, com um concerto em homenagem ao aniversário do papa Bento XVI, o mais prestigiado selo clássico do planeta já lançou três discos do prodígio venezuelano: um com a Filarmônica de Los Angeles, no Concerto para Orquestra, do húngaro Béla Bartók, e dois regendo a Simón Bolívar em sinfonias de Beethoven e Mahler.

Achei esse CD quase completo, se tirassem Sensemaya , que é um pé no saco o resto é a mais bela das coisas. Neste CD também entram o Danzón Nº 2 também figura repetida do blog mais a desse CD é incrível ! Na música o tema principal é tocado várias vezes em tons diversos e em variações do tema principal. Essa música poderia até ser um pé no saco, mas Dudamel consegue deixar a música orgãnica, ou seja, que seja de compreenção de todos e ainda por cima sem ficar chata. Além disso a música é altamente sincopada, o que realmente te dá uma vontade de dançar. (Será que é por isso que se chama Danzón?)

Fuga con Pajarillo.  Na composição musical o tema é repetido por outras vozes que entram sucessivamente e continuam de maneira entrelaçada. Começa com um tema, declarado por uma das vozes isoladamente. Uma segunda voz entra, então, “cantando” o mesmo tema mas noutra tonalidade, enquanto a primeira voz continua desenvolvendo com um acompanhamento contrapontista. As vozes restantes entram, uma a uma, cada uma iniciando com o mesmo tema. O restante da fuga desenvolve o material posterior utilizando todas as vozes e, usualmente, múltiplas declarações do tema. Ouça e entenderás…

Depois entra as quatro danças do balé Estância, do arentino Alberto Ginastera, cuja articulação rítmica impressiona tanto pela percussão quanto pela unicidade das cordas. Composto de 4 faixas :Los Trabajadores Agricolas, Danza del trigo, Los peones de hacienda e Danza Final.

Após esse turbilhão vem o conhecido Mambo, de West Side Story, de Bernstein, é conhecida para caramba.

Então, é isso.

Trechos do texto acima tirados daquidaqui.

Gustavo Dudamel – Orquestra Simon Bolívar – Fiesta

01 – Revueltas – Sensemaya
02 – Carreño -Margaritena
03 – Estévez  – Melodia en El Llano
04 – Marquéz –  Danzón Nª 02
05 – Romero – Fuga con Pajarillo
06 – Ginastera – Los Trabajadores Agricolas
07 – Ginastera – Danza del trigo
08 – Ginastera – Los peones de hacienda
09 – Ginastera – Danza Final
10 – Castellanos – Santa Cruz de Pacairigua
11 – Bernstein – Dance from West Side Story ( Mambo )

Orquestra Simón Bolívar
Gustavo Dudamel – Regente


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Gabriel Clarinet
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Bartók, Bernstein, Copland, Gould & Stravinsky: Compositions & Collaborations: Benny Goodman Collector’s Edition

Bartók, Bernstein, Copland, Gould & Stravinsky: Compositions & Collaborations: Benny Goodman Collector’s Edition


Quando bati o olho na postagem do PQP, semana passada, com obras para clarinete, lembrei-me imediatamente deste álbum fantástico, e pensei: “seria injusto não compartilhar essa preciosidade”.

Supremo entre os clarinetistas do século XX, Benny Goodman era tão versátil que sentia-se perfeitamente à vontade tocando o “Concerto para Clarinete” de Mozart ou passeando através de “Honeysuckle Rose” de Fat Waller. A participação de Béla Bartók, Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, Morton Gould e Igor Stravinsky nesta gravação comprova alta estima destes pelo seu talento, e é uma merecida homenagem e um maravilhoso registro de sua espantosa maestria e domínio inigualável do instrumento. 


Compositions & Collaborations: Benny Goodman Collector’s Edition

Leornard Berstein
01 Prelude, Fugue And Riffs 7:47
Columbia Jazz Combo, Leonard Berstein

Aaron Copland
02 Concerto For Clarinet And String Orchestra (with Piano & Harp) 16:53
Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Aaron Copland

Igor Stravinsky
Ebony Concerto
03 I – Allegro Moderato 3:00
04 II – Andante 2:34
05 III – Moderato; Con Moto 3:40
Columbia Jazz Combo, Igor Stravinsky

Morton Gould
Derivations For Clarinet And Band
06 I – Warm-Up 3:06
07 II – Contrapuntal Blues 6:36
08 III – Rag 2:16
09 IV – Ride-Out 3:59
Columbia Jazz Combo, Morton Gould

Béla Bartók
10 I – Verbunkos (Recruiting Dance) 5:28
11 II – Pihenö (Relaxation) 4:29
12 III – Sebes (Fast Dance) 6:57
Joseph Szigeti, Violin
Béla Bartók, Piano


Strava para Goodman: faz tudo direitinho, tá?
Strava e Goodman
Lenny para Goodman:
Lenny e Benny
Bartók para Goodman:
Bartók, Szigeti e Goodman

Marcelo Stravinsky

André Previn (1929) / Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Concerto para Violino “Anne-Sophie” / Serenata

André Previn (1929) / Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Concerto para Violino “Anne-Sophie” / Serenata

51cwtrPhhVLO amor estava no ar e este disco é permeado por ele. A Serenata de Bernstein foi inspirada pelo Simpósio de Platão, uma série de hinos ao amor em suas mais variadas vertentes, por assim dizer. Já o Concerto de André Previn foi inspirado e composto para Anne-Sophie Mutter, com quem se casou pouco depois. (Eles foram casados entre 2002 e 2006. Homem de sorte e certamente sedutor, antes de Mutter, Previn fora casado com Mia Farrow, dentre outras…) Muitos dos grandes compuseram para Anne-Sophie. Penderecki, Lutoslawski, Currier e Rihm escreveram concertos e outras obras destinadas a Mutter, mas esta foi certamente especial, tanto que a obra se chama “Anne-Sophie”. Ela foi projetada para mostrar o virtuosismo impressionante e os puros e belos timbres de Mutter. O Concerto não é magnífico, mas é muito digno. Bernstein se vale de sua enorme versatilidade e estilística eclética na Serenade. Seus quatro movimentos se assemelham vagamente a um concerto. Depois de um sensacional solo de violino, o primeiro movimento deriva para uma valsa; o segundo movimento é lento e sensual; o terceiro é um divertido Scherzo e o último é bem jazzy e tem um final empolgante. Aqui, Mutter está no seu auge. Seu desempenho é uma coisa anormal.

André Previn (1929) / Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Concerto para Violino “Anne-Sophie” / Serenata

Previn: Violin Concerto “Anne-Sophie”
1 1. Moderato 9:48
2 2. Cadenza – Slowly 13:26
3 3. Andante 16:20
Anne-Sophie Mutter
Boston Symphony Orchestra
André Previn

Bernstein: Serenade (1954) after Plato’s “Symposium”
4 1. Phaedrus – Pausanias: Lento – Allegro marcato 6:41
5 2. Aristophanes: Allegretto 4:26
6 3. Erixymachus: Presto 1:27
7 4. Agathon: Adagio 7:56
8 5. Socrates – Alcibiades: Molto tenuto – Allegro molto vivace 10:39
Anne-Sophie Mutter
London Symphony Orchestra
André Previn


Ah, o amor
Ah, o amor


Aaron Copland (1900-1990) – Concerto For Clarinet, Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) – Prelude, Fugue & Riffs, Morton Gould (1913-1996) – Derivations For Clarinet And Band, Artie Shaw (1910-2004) – Concerto For Clarinet, George Gershwin (1898-1937) – Summertime, They all Laughed, The Man I Love, I Got Rythm – Sharon Kam, LSO, Gregor Bühl

411Lrl-pL3LNeste quarto cd da coleção, Sharon Kam mostra seu talento e versatilidade em um repertório exclusivo de compositores norte-americanos do século XX. Uma belezura, nem precisaria dizer mais.
Começando com o belo Concerto for Clarinet & String Orchestra, de Aaron Copland e terminando com arranjos de canções de Gershwin para o clarinete, Kam nos deixa encantados com sua versatilidade, sensibilidade e delicadeza nas passagens mais delicadas, como o primeiro movimento da obra de Copland, e ainda nos brinda com toda a sua técnica e maestria em todo o cd. Uma musicista completa, sem dúvida alguma.

01 – Aaron Copland – Concerto For Clarinet and String Orchestra, with Harp and Piano
02 – Leonard Berstein – Prelude
03 – Leonard Berstein – Fugue
04 – Leonard Berstein – Riffs
05 – Morton Gould – Derivations For Clarinet And Band – Warm-Up
06 – Morton Gould – Derivations For Clarinet And Band – Contrapontual Blues
07 – Morton Gould – Derivations For Clarinet And Band – Rag
08 – Morton Gould – Derivations For Clarinet And Band – Ride-Out
09 – Artie Shaw – Concerto For Clarinet
10 – George Gershwin – Summertime (arr. Gregor Bühl)
11 – George Gershwin – They All Laughed (arr. John Cameron)
12 – George Gershwin – The Man I Love (arr. John Cameron)
13 – George Gershwin – I Got Rythm (arr. John Cameron)

Sharon Kam – Clarinet
London Symphony Orchestra
Gregor Bühl – Conductor


Adams, Antheil, Bernstein, Gershwin, Hindemith, Milhaud, Stravinsky, Raskin: New World Jazz


Sim, sim, um disco extraordinário. Aqui, há várias lições: (1) John Adams ensina como o minimalismo pode ser mais legal sem vidro, (2) como uma orquestra formada por jovens jazzístas acompanhados por músicos eruditos rendem e exploram adequadamente a irreverência deste espetacular repertório, (3) como meu pai tinha razão ao dizer e repetir que da música do século XX, a mais ampla, ventilada, livre e bela fora o jazz e (4) como estão corretos aqueles músicos que olham para cá e para lá. Boa diversão!

Adams, Antheil, Bernstein, Gershwin, Hindemith, Milhaud, Stravinsky, Raskin:
New World Jazz

1. Adams · Lollapalooza 6:33
2. Gershwin · Rhapsodie in Blue 17:24 (Michael Tilson Thomas, piano)
3. Bernstein · Prelude, Fugue and Riffs 8:29
4. Milhaud · La creation du monde 17:54
5. Stravinsky · Ebony Concerto 9:32
6. Hindemith · Ragtime 3:22
7. Antheil · A Jazz Symphony 11:53
8. Raskin · The Bad and the Beautiful 3:47

New World Symphony
Michael Tilson Thomas


John Adams: aula máxima de minimalismo


Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) – Sinfonia No. 1 – "Jeremias" e Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) – Sinfonia No. 4 em Sol


A Sinfonia No. 1 de Bernstein – “Jeremias” – estreou no mundo da música em 1944. Foi considerado o melhor trabalho daquele ano nos Estados Unidos. Particularmente, eu gosto bastante deste trabalho de Bernstein. É uma obra programática feita a partir da história do profeta judeu Jeremias. Bernstein utiliza o drama vivido pelo profeta, bem como textos do livro de Lamentações de Jeremias, um poema acróstico, narrando a destruição de Jerusalém pelos babilônicos, 6 séculos antes de Cristo, e as desventuras do referido profeta. Entre os profetas judeus, Jeremias certamente seja um dos que mais sofreram. Sujeito de emoções à flor da pele, Jeremias absorve todas as dores de Jerusalém quando a cidade é completamente sitiada e queimada. Antes disso, passara 40 anos advertindo o povo para que se voltasse para o Deus de Israel sem que tivesse qualquer êxito. Vale a pena conferir o trabalho de Bernstein. Aparece ainda no post a maravilhosa Sinfonia no. 4 de Mahler. Não é natural que vejamos, mas a regência fica com Marin Alsop, uma mulher (sic.). Em alguns dias postarei o próprio Bernstein regendo a Sinfonia Jeremias. Uma boa apreciação!

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) – Sinfonia No. 1 – “Jeremias”
01. I. Profecia
02. II. Profanação
03. III. Lamentação

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) – Sinfonia No. 4 em Sol
04. I. Bedächtig. Nicht eilen
05. II. In gemächlicher Bewegung. Ohne Hast
06. III. Ruhevoll
07. IV. Das himmlische Leben. Sehr behaglich

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop, regente
Lisa Milne, soprano



Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) – American Portraits

Quase todas as gravações da coleção American Portraits são muito vagabundas, mais parecem feitas aqui no Brasil (dadas as devidas exceções, claro), mas são europeias – a falta de qualidade se deveu à falta de feeling e apuro ao lidar com as obras estadunidenses*. Mesmo assim, por conta de duas obras do presente CD, vale a indicação ao menos deste álbum: Halil, um noturno para flauta, harpa e percussão pouco conhecido aqui no Brasil, e o balé Fancy Free, que parafraseia o estilo das big bands dos anos 40 contando as diversões de três marinheiros pela Big Apple (vide argumento aqui).

* Uma curiosidade é que Villa-Lobos integra essa coleção, mesmo sendo dedicada a norte-americanos: honrosa deferência.


American Portraits: Leonard Bernstein

1. Overture to Candide, for orchestra
2. West Side Story, musical: [Unspecified] Melodies
3. Halil, nocturne for flute solo, piccolo, alto flute, percussion & harp; also for flute, piano & percussion
4. Fancy Free, ballet: Enter Three Sailors
5. Fancy Free, ballet: Scene At The Bar
6. Fancy Free, ballet: Pas de Deux
7. Fancy Free, ballet: Variation I
8. Fancy Free, ballet: Variation II
9. Fancy Free, ballet: Variation III
10. Fancy Free, ballet: Finale

Intérpretes: vide link Amazon



Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) – West Side Story (versão 1959)

Porque West Side Story é o melhor musical de todos os tempos e essa versão original é insuperável.


A versão 1984 foi feita para inglês (europeu) ver: os cantores-atores desafinados e a orquestra estridente da WSS 1959 acabam sendo eternamente irrepreensíveis pela graça e autenticidade.

Obrigado ao Claudio Sena pelos arquivos.


West Side Story [Extra tracks] [Original recording remastered]

1. West Side Story – Overture
2. West Side Story – Prologue
3. West Side Story – Jet Song (Russ Tamblyn, Jets)
4. West Side Story – Something’s Coming (Jim Bryant)
5. West Side Story – Dance at the Gym: a. Blues; b. Promenade; c. Mambo; d. Pas de deux; e. Jump
6. West Side Story – Maria (Jim Bryant)
7. West Side Story – America
8. West Side Story – Tonight (Jim Bryant, Marni Nixon)
9. West Side Story – Gee, Officer Krupke (Russ Tamblyn, Jets)
10. West Side Story – Intermission Music
11. West Side Story – I Feel Pretty (Marni Nixon, Yvonne Othon, Suzie Kaye, Joanne Miya)
12. West Side Story – One Hand, One Heart (Jim Bryant, Marni Nixon)
13. West Side Story – Quintet (Jim Bryant, Marni Nixon, Betty Wand, Jets, Sharks)
14. West Side Story – The Rumble
15. West Side Story – Somewhere (Jim Bryant, Marni Nixon)
16. West Side Story – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack/Cool (Tucker Smith, Jets)
17. West Side Story – I Have A Love (Betty Wand, Marni Nixon)
18. West Side Story – Finale (Natalie Wood, Orchestra)
19. West Side Story – End Credits

Leonard Bernstein (Composer), Johnny Green (Conductor), West Side Story Orchestra (Orchestra), George Chakiris (Performer), Marni Nixon (Performer), Betty Wand (Performer), Tucker Smith (Performer), Natalie Wood (Performer), Jim Bryant (Performer), Suzie Kaye (Performer), Joanne Miya (Performer), Yvonne Othon (Performer), Russ Tamblyn (Performer)



Aaron Copland (1900-1990): Concerto for Clarinet, String, Harp and Piano / Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971): Ebony Concerto / Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Prelude, Fugue and Riffs / John Corigliano (1938): Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra

Chamar este CD de The Essential Clarinet é um certo exagero. Talvez este seja o clarinete essencial dos EUA, pois deixar de fora as Sonatas para clarinete e piano de Brahms, o Quinteto Op. 115 e o também Quinteto K. 581 e o Concerto K. 622 de Mozart é falta grave. Talvez o que una estas peças seja a onipresente figura de Benny Goodman, o cara que encomendou peças para clarinete até para Bartók (e recebeu).

Mas aqui temos, certamente, a melhor peça escrita por Aaron Copland, a célebre incursão jazzística de Stravinsky (Ebony Concerto), uma excelente composição de Bernstein e um bom Concerto de Corigliano (prazer em conhecer). Richard Stoltzman não me pareceu um clarinetista tão essencial, mas seu repertório é de primeira linha, sem dúvida.

Richard Stoltzman · The Essential Clarinet

Aaron Copland (1900-1990): Concerto for Clarinet, String, Harp and Piano
1. Concerto for Clarinet, Strings, Harp and Piano 17:53

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971): Ebony Concerto
2. Ebony Concerto: Allegro moderato 3:11
3. Ebony Concerto: Andante 2:34
4. Ebony Concerto: Moderato; Con moto 3:41

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990): Prelude, Fugue and Riffs
5. Prelude, Fugue and Riffs 7:24

John Corigliano (1938): Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra
6. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra: Cadenzas 9:18
7. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra: Elegy 11:15
8. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra: Antiphonal Toccata 9:33

Richard Stoltzman, clarinete
London Symphony Orchestra
Lawrence Leighton-Smith

BAIXE AQUI – DOWNLOAD HERE (MegaUpload, o lerdo)

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Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) – Missa

Eu poderia escrever 10 páginas sobre a deslumbrante Missa de Bernstein, mas vou tratar de resumir, até porque tempo é tudo o que não há em minha vida atualmente. A Missa foi uma encomenda da família Kennedy para ser apresentada na inauguração do John F. Kennedy Center de Washington, em 1971. Encomendaram qualquer peça; não estava previsto se seria uma Sonata para Piano ou uma peça gigantesca que envolvesse orquestra, cantores e dançarinos… O tema também era livre. E Bernstein utilizou a liberdade que lhe foi dada… Quando soube-se que o compositor estava escrevendo uma Missa sobre textos da Missa católica, houve grande alegria por parte dos organizadores do evento, pois John Kennedy foi o primeiro presidente católico dos EUA e Bernstein fora sensível ao fato.

Mal sabiam eles que no que estavam se metendo. Bernstein fez ressucitar um certo trope, que seriam inserções ou comentários à missa que entravam a qualquer momento. Isto existe desde a Idade Média e são peças vocais que servem para explicar o latinório da Missa. Só que estávamos em 1971, eram tempos muito controversos e Lenny mostrou-se um perfeito ateu ao tecer comentários demolidores em seus tropes que misturam blues, rock e marchas militares. Alguns versos:

I believe in God,
But does God believe in me?
I’ll believe in any god
If any god there be.

I believe in one God,
But then I believe in three.
I’ll believe in twenty gods
If they`ll believe in me.

What I need I don’t have
What I have I don’t own
What I own I don’t want
What I want, Lord, I don’t know.

What I say I don’t feel
What I feel I don’t show
What I show isn’t real
What is real, Lord-I don’t know,
No, no, no-I don’t know.

O texto da Missa é do próprio Bernstein e de Stephen Schwarz. O trope Half of the People foi escrito por Paul Simon. Ao final da primeira apresentação, a platéia permaneceu três minutos em silêncio — uma eternidade certamente causada pelo pasmo frente a notável provocação de Lenny –, mas depois prorrompeu em aplausos de quase trinta minutos.

ABSOLUTAMENTE IMPERDÍVEL! Este é meu presente de Natal!

Ah, como não faz sentido ouvir sem saber o que está sendo cantado, coloco abaixo a letra completa da Missa.

Leonard Bernstein – Missa (Uma peça de teatro para cantores, músicos e dançarinos)

Disc: 1

1. Part 1. Devotions before Mass. 1. Antiphon. Kyrie eleison
2. Part 1. Devotions before Mass. 2. Hymn and Praise. A simple song
3. Part 1. Devotions before Mass. 3. Responsory. Alleluia
4. Part 2. First Introit (Rondo). 1. Prefatory Prayers
5. Part 2. First Introit (Rondo). 2. Thrice – Triple Canon. Dominus vobiscum
6. Part 3. Second Introit. 1. In nomine Patris
7. Part 3. Second Introit. 2. Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale: “Almighty Father”)
8. Part 3. Second Introit. 3. Epiphany
9. Part 4. Confession. 1. Confiteor
10. Part 4. Confession. 2. Trope. I don’t know
11. Part 4. Confession. 3. Trope. Easy
12. Part 5. Meditation No. 1
13. Part 6. Gloria. 1. Gloria tibi
14. Part 6. Gloria. 2. Gloria in excelsis
15. Part 6. Gloria. 3. Trope. Half of the People
16. Part 6. Gloria. 4. Trope. Thank you
17. Part 7. Meditation No. 2
18. Part 8. Epistle. The Word of Lord
19. Part 9. Gospel-Sermon. God said


Disc: 2

1. Part 10. Credo. 1. Credo in unum Deum
2. Part 10. Credo. 2. Trope. Non Credo
3. Part 10. Credo. 3. Trope. Hurry
4. Part 10. Credo. 4. World Without End
5. Part 10. Credo. 5. Trope. I Believe in God
6. Part 11. Meditation No. 3 (De profundis, part 1)
7. Part 12. Offertory (De profundis, part 2)
8. Part 13. The Lord’s Prayer. 1. Our father…
9. Part 13. The Lord’s Prayer. 2. Trope. I Go On
10. Part 15. Agnus Dei
11. Part 16. Fraction. Things Get Broken
12. Part 17. Pax: Communion. Secret Songs


William Elliott,
Maeretha Stewart,
Kimberly Keeton,
Tom Carpender,
Nile Norton,
Kate Berenson,
John Manno,
Angela Doctor,
Michael Timm,
Lark Coryell,
Katy Stephan,
Bryan Matheson,
Isabelle Vosskuhler,
Charles Magruder,
Julian Frischling,
Doug Boyd,
John Stenzel,
June Magruder,
Frazier Stevenson,
Marie-Louise Modersohn,
Jim Hale,
Larry Rose,
Adrienne Albert,
Kathie Longinotti,
Eric Freeman,
Tobias Lehmann,
John Paddock,
Sigurd Brauns,
Benjamin Scott,
Benjamin Grant,
Marc Accornero,
Rene Vosskuhler,
Eric Lipsitt,
Jerry Hadley, celebrante

Sigurd Brauns, órgão

Pacific Mozart Ensemble, Richard Grant e Lynne Morrow
Rundfunkchor Berlin, Simon Halsey
Sttats- um Domchor Berlin, Kai-Uwe Jirka
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester
Kent Nagano

Letra completa:

Text from the Liturgy of the Roman Mass
Additional Texts by
Stephen Schwartz and Leonard Bernstein


1. Antiphon: Kyrie eleison

Kyrie eleison!
Lord, have mercy!

Kyrie eleison!
Lord, have mercy!

Soprano and Alto
Christe eleison!
Christ, have mercy!

Tenor and Baritone
Christe eleison!
Christ, have mercy!

2. Hymn and Psalm: “A Simple Song”

Sing God a simple song
Lauda, Laude…
Make it up as you go along
Laude, Laude…
Sing like you like to sing
God loves all simple things
For God is the simplest of all.

I will sing the Lord a new song
To praise Him, to bless Him, to bless the Lord.
I will sing His praises while I live
All of days.

Blessed is the man who loves the Lord,
Blessed is the man who praises Him.
Lauda, Lauda, Laude…
And walks in His ways.

I will life up my eyes
To the hills from whence comes my help.
I will lift up my voice to the Lord
Singing Lauda, Laude.

For the Lord is my shade,
Is the shade upon my right hand
And the sun shall not smite me by day
Nor the moon by night…
Blessed is the man who loves the Lord –

Lauda, Lauda, Laude –
And walks in His ways.

Lauda, Lauda, Laude
Lauda, Lauda di da di day…
All of my days.

3. Responsory: Alleluia

Six Solo Voices
Du bing, du bang, du bong, etc.

Alleluia! etc.


1. Prefatory Prayers

Street Chorus
Kyrie eleison!
Christe eleison!
Lord have mercy!
Christ have mercy!

Gloria Patri et Filio,
Et Spiritui Sancto!
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!

Sicut erat in principio
Et nunc et semper,
Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen
As it was in the beginning,
Is now and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen.

Introibo ad altare Dei.
I will go up to the alter of God.

Ad Deum qui laetificat
juventutem meam.
To God, who gives joy to my youth.

Asperges me, Domine,
Hyssopo, et mundabor.
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop,
O Lord, and I shall be cleansed.

Two Sopranos
Emitte lucem tuam,
Et veritatem tuam.
Send forth Thy light,
and Thy truth.

Ostende nobis, Domine
Show us, Lord


Ostende nobis
Misericordiam tuam.
Show us
Thy mercy.

Vidi aquam egredientem
De templo latere dextro
Et omnes ad quos pervenit
Aqua ista salvi facti sunt,
Et dicent:
I saw the water issuing from
the right side of the temple
And all those to whom it comes
Are saved by that very water
And say:

Alleluia, alleleluiaia! etc.
Alleluia, alleleluiaia! etc.

Boys’ Choir
Kyrie eleison!
Lord, have mercy!

Christe eleison!
Christ, have mercy!

Boy (solo)
Here I go up to the altar of God.
In I go, up I go
To God who made me young
To God who made me happy
To God who makes me happy to be young.

Street Chorus and Boys’ Choir

2. Thrice-Triple Canon: Dominus vobiscum

Dominus vobiscum.
The Lord be with you.

Boys’ Choir
Et cum spiritu tuo.
And with thy spirit.

Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit.


1. In nomine Patris

In the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et
Spiritus Sancti, Amen.

Let us rise and pray.

Let us rise and pray.

Almighty Father, bless this house. And bless and protect all who are assembled in it.

2. Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale: “Almighty Father”)

Almighty Father, incline Thine ear:
Bless us and all those who have gathered here
Thine angel send us
Who shall defend us all
And fill with grace
All who dwell in this place.

3. Epiphany


I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the archangel, to blessed
John the Baptist, to the holy apostles, Peter and Paul…

1. Confiteor

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti,
Beatae Mariae, semper Virgini,
Beato Michaeli archangelo,
Beato Joanni Baptistae,
Sanctis Apostolis Petro
et Paulo,
Omnibus sanctis,
Et vobis, fratres:
Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
verbo et opere:
Mea culpa, mea culpa,
mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatam Mariam
semper Virginem,
Beatum Michaelem Archangelum,
beatum Joannem Baptistam,
Sanctos Apostolos Petrum
et Paulum,
Omnes sanctos, et vos, fratres,
Orare pro me
Ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
I confess Almighty God,
To blessed Mary ever Virgin,
To blessed Michael the archangel,
To blessed John the Baptist,
To the holy apostles Peter
and Paul,
To all the saints,
And to you, brothers:
That I have sinned exceedingly in
Thought, word and deed:
Through my fault, through
my own most grievous fault.
Therefore I beseech the Blessed
Mary ever Virgin,
Blessed Michael the archangel,
Blessed John the Baptist,
The holy apostles Peter
and Paul,
All the saints, and you, brothers,
To pray for me
To the Lord our God.

2. Trope: “I Don’t Know”

Male Street Chorus
Confiteor, Confiteor…

First Rock Singer
Lord, I could go confess
Good and loud, nice and slow
Get this load off my chest
Yes, but why, Lord-I don’t know.

I don’t know why every time
I find a new love I wound up destroying it.
I don’t know why I’m
So crazy-minded, I keep on kind of enjoying it-
Why I drift off to sleep
With pledges of deep resolve again,
Then along comes the day
And suddenly they dissolve again-
I don’t know…

(with Descant)

What I say I don’t feel
What I feel I don’t show
What I show isn’t real
What is real, Lord-I don’t know,
No, no, no-I don’t know.

3. Trope: “Easy”

First Blues Singer
Well, I went to the holy man and I confessed…
Look, I can beat my breast
With the best.
And I’ll say almost anything that gets me blessed
Upon request…

It’s easy to shake the blame for any crime
By trotting out that ‘mea culpa’ pantomime:
‘Yes, yes, I’m sad, I sinned, I’m bad.’
Then go out and do it one more time.

Second Rock Singer
I don’t know where to start
There’s so much I could show
If I opened my heart
But how far, Lord, but how far can I go?
I don’t know.

Second Blues Singer
If you asked me to join you in some real good vice
Now that might be nice
Once or twice
But don’t look for sacraments or sacrifice
They’re not worth the price

It’s easy to have yourself a fine affair
Your body’s always ready, but your soul’s not there
Don’t count on trust
Come love, come lust,
It’s so easy when you just don’t care.

Third Rock Singer
What I need I don’t have
What I have I don’t own
What I own I don’t want
What I want Lord, I don’t know.

Third Blues Singer
If you ask me to sing you verse that’s versatile
I’ll be glad to beguile you
For a while
But don’t look for content beneath the style
Sit back and smile

It’s easy for you to dig my jim-jam jive,
And, baby, please observe how neatly I survive.
And what could give
More positive
Plain proof that living is easy when you’re half alive.

All Three Rock Singers
Lord, I could go confess…

All Three Blues Singers

All Three Rock Singers
Good and loud, nice and slow…

All Three Blues Singers

Beatam Mariam semper Virginem (Ideo precor)
Beatum Michaelem Archangleum, beatum Joannem Baptistam,
Sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum,
Omnes sanctos, et vos, fratres,
Orate pro me
Ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

All Six Soloists
What I say I don’t feel
What I feel I don’t show
What I show isn’t real
What is real, Lord-I don’t know,
No, no, no-I don’t know.

First Rock Singer
Come on, Lord, if you’re so great
Show me how, where to go
Show me now-I can’t wait
Maybe it’s too late,
I don’t know…

First Blues Singer

Celebrant (speaking)
God forgive you.

All (speaking)
God forgive us all.

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

Let us pray.



1. Gloria tibi

Gloria tibi, Gloria tibi,
Glory to You, Glory to You

Boys’ Choir
Gloria tibi, Gloria tibi,
Glory to You, Glory to You

Celebrant and Boys’ Choir
Gloria Patri,
Gloria Filio,
Et Spiritui Sancto.
Laudamus te,
Adoramus te,
Glorificamus te,
Benedicimus te.
Glory to the Father,
Glory to the Son,
And the Holy Spirit.
We praise You,
We adore You,
We glorify You,
We bless You.

Gloria Patri
Gloria Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto.
Glory to the Father,
Glory to the Son,
And the Holy Spirit.

Glory to God in the Highest and Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will!

2. Gloria in excelsis

Gloria in excelsis Deo,
et in terra pax hominibus
bonae voluntatis.
Laudamus te,
Adoramus te,
Benedicimus te.
Glorificamus te.
Gratias agimus tibi propter
magnam gloriam tuam:
Domine Deus, Rex caelestis.
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Jesu Christe;
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei,
Filius Patris;
Qui tollis peccata
miserere nobis;
suscipe deprecationem nostram;
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,
miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solis Sanctus,
Tu solus Dominus,
Tu solus Altissimus:
Jesu Christe,
Cum Sancto Spiritu: in gloria
Dei Patris, Amen.
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace to men of
good will.
We praise Thee,
We adore Thee,
We bless Thee,
We glorify Thee.
We give Thee thanks for Thy
great Glory:
Lord God, heavenly King,
God the Almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of
the Father:
Who takest away the sins of the
have mercy upon us;
Receive our prayer;
Thou who sittest at the right hand
of the Father, have mercy upon us.
For Thou alone art the Holy One,
Thou alone art Lord,
Thou, Jesus Christ, alone art the
Most High,
With the Holy Spirit, in the glory
of God the Father. Amen.

3. Trope: “Half of the People”

Street Chorus and Band
*Half of the people are stoned
And the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned
and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction.

* this quatrain was a Christmas present from Paul Simon. Gratias, L.B.

They call it Glorious Living
They call it Glorious Living
And baby where does that leave you,
You and your kind-

…miserere nobis, suscipe
deprecationem nostram…

Street Chorus and Band
—you and your youth and your mind?
Nowhere, Nowhere, Nowhere.

Half of the people are stoned
And the other half are waiting for the next election-

4. Trope: “Thank You.”

Soprano Solo
There once were days so bright
And nights when every cricket call seemed right
And I sang Gloria
Then I sang Gratias Deo
I knew a glorious feeling
of thank you and…
Thank you…

The bend of a willow
A friend and a pillow
A lover whose eyes
Could mirror my cries of Gloria…

And now, it’s strange
Somehow, though nothing much has really changed
I miss the Gloria
I don’t sing Gratias Deo
I can’t say quite when it happened
But gone is the…
…thank you…

Street Chorus
Half the people are drowned, and the other half
Are swimming in the wrong direction.

Let us pray.

VII. MEDITATION NO. 2 (orchestra)

VIII. EPISTLE: “The Word of the Lord”

Brothers: This is the gospel I preach; and in its service I have suffered hardships like a criminal; yea, even unto imprisonment; but there is no imprisoning the Word of God…

A Young Man
Dearly Beloved: Do not be surprised if the world hates you. We who love our brothers have crossed over to life, but they who do not love, abide in death. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.

Another Young Man
Dear Mom and Dad… Do not feel badly or worry about me. Nothing will make me change. Try to understand: I am now a man.

You can lock up the bold men
Go and lock up your bold men
And hold men in tow,
You can stifle all adventure
For a century or so.
Smother hope before it’s risen
Watch it wizen like a gourd,
But you cannot imprison
The Word of the Lord.

Celebrant and Chorus
No, you cannot imprison
The Word of the Lord.

For the Word
For the Word was at the birth of the beginning
It made the heavens and the earth and set them spinning,
And for several million years
It’s withstood all our forums and fine ideas.
It’s been rough
It’s been rough but it appears to be winning!

There are people who doubt it
There are people who doubt it and shout it out loud,
Oh, they bellow and they bluster ‘til they muster up a crowd.
They can fashion a rebuttal that’s as subtle as a sword,
But they’re never gonna scuttle the Word of the Lord.

Celebrant and Chorus
No, they’re never gonna scuttle the Word of the Lord!

An Older Man
Dear Brothers: …I think that God has made us apostles the most abject of mankind. We hunger and thirst, we are naked, we are roughly handled, and we have no fixed abode…They curse us and we bless. They persecute us and we suffer it…They treat us as the scum of the earth, the dregs of humanity, to this very day.

A Young Girl
Dear Folks: Jim looked very well on my first visit. With his head clean-shaven, he looked about 19 years old. He says the prison food is very good. For the first few days he’s not allowed any books except his Bible. When I hugged him he smelled so good, a smell of clean plain soap; like a child when you put him to bed.

All you big men of merit,
all you big men of merit
who ferret out flaws,
you rely on our compliance
with your science and your laws.

Find a freedom to demolish
while you polish some award,
but you cannot abolish the Word of the Lord.

Celebrant and Chorus
No, you cannot abolish
the Word of the Lord.

For the Word,
for the Word created mud and got it going
It filled our empty brains with blood and set it flowing
And for thousands of regimes
It’s endured all our follies and fancy schemes.
It’s been tough,
It’s been tough, and yet it seems to be growing!

O you people of power,
O you people of power, your hour is now.
You may plan to rule forever, but you never do somehow.

So we wait in silent treason until reason is restored
and we wait for the season of the Word of the Lord.
We await the season of the Word of the Lord.
We wait…we wait for the Word of the Lord…


God said: Let there be light.
And there was light.

God said: Let there be night.
And there was night.

God said: Let there be day.
And there was day…

…day to follow the night.

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was goddam good.

God said: Let there be storms
Storms to bring life…

…life in all of its forms,
Forms such as herds…

…herds and gaggles and swarms
Swarms that have names…

…names and numbers and norms.

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was good, brother

And it was goddam good!

God said: Let there be gnats
Let there be sprats…

…sprats to gobble the gnats
So that the sprats…

…sprats may nourish the rats,
Making them fat…

…fat, fine food for the cats.

And they grew fat, brother

And the grew fat, brother

All but the gnats, brother

They all grew fearful fat.

And God saw it was good

God made it be good

Created it good

Created the gnats…

…gnats to nourish the sprats…

…sprats to nurture the rats

And all for us big fat cats.

Us cats!

And it was good, and it was good,
And it was good, and it was good.

First Solo
God said it’s good to be poor,
Good men must not be secure;
So if we steal from you,
It’s just to help you stay pure.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Second Solo (antiphonally with Chorus)
God said take charge of my zoo
I made these creatures for you;
So he won’t mind if we
Wipe out a species or two.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Third Solo
God said to spread His commands
To folks in faraway lands;
They may not want us there,
But man it’s out of our hands.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Fourth Solo
God said that sex should repulse
Unless it leads to results;
And so we crowd the world
Full of consenting adults.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

Fifth Solo
God said it’s good to be meek
And so we are once a week;
It may not mean a lot
But oh, it’s terribly chic.

And it was good!

And it was good! (etc.)

God made us the boss
God gave us the cross
We turned it into a sword
To spread the Word of the Lord
We use His holy decrees
To do whatever we please


And it was good!


And it was good, Yeah!
And it was goddam good!

God said: Let there be light.
And there was light.

God said: Let there be night.
And there was night.

God said: Let there be day.
And there was day…

…day to follow the night.

And it was good, brother!

And it was good, brother!

And it was good brother!

And it was…


I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord…(etc.)

1. Credo in unum Deum

Chorus and percussion on Quadraphonic tape
Credo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipotentem,
Factorem caeli et terrae,
Visibilium omnium et
Et in unum Dominum Jesum
Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum.
Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero.
Genitum, non factum,
consubstantialem Patri:
Per quem omnia
facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines et
propter nostram salutem
descendit de caelis.
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu
Ex Maria Virgine: et homo
factus est.
I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
And of all things visible
and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
only-begotten Son of God.
Born of the Father before all
God of God, light of light,
true God of true God;
Begotten, not made, of one
essence with the Father:
Through whom all things were made.
Who for us men, and for our
salvation, came down from
And was incarnate by the Holy
Of the Virgin Mary: and was
made man.

2. Trope: Non Credo

First Solo
Et homo factus est
And was made man…

And you became a man
You, God, chose to become a man
To pay the earth a small social call
I tell you, sir, you never were
A man at all
You had the choice
when to live
To die
And then
Become a god again

And was made man…

And then a plaster god like you
Has the gall to tell me what to do
To become a man
To show my respect on my knees
Go genuflect, but don’t expect guarantees
Just play it dumb
Play it blind
But when
I go
Will I become a god again?

Possibly yes, probably no…

Yes, probably no

Give me a choice
I never had a choice
Or I would have been a simple tree
A barnacle in a silent sea
Anything but what I must be
A man
A man
A man!

Possibly yes, probably no…

You knew what you had to do
You knew why you had to die
You chose to die, and then revive again
You chose, you rose
Alive again
But I
I don’t know why
I should live
If only to die
Well, I’m not gonna buy it!

Possibly yes, probably no…

I’ll never say credo.
How can anybody say credo?
I want to say cr…

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis
sub Pontio Pilato,
Passus, et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die,
secundum Scripturas.
Et ascendit in caelum:
Sedet ad dexteram Patris.
Et iterum venturus est
cum gloria
judicare vivos et mortuos.
He was also crucified for our sake
under Pontius Pilate,
suffered, and was buried.
And the third day He rose again
according to the Scriptures.
And He ascended into heaven:
And is seated at the right hand of
the Father. And He will come again
with glory
to judge the living and the dead.

3. Trope: “Hurry”

Second Solo
You said you’d come again
When things got really rough
So you made us all suffer
While they got a bit rougher
Tougher and tougher
Well, things are tough enough.

So when’s your next appearance on the scene?
I’m ready
Went to church for clearance and I’m clean
And steady
While I’m waiting I can get my bags packed
Flags flown
Shoes blacked
Wings sewn

Oh don’t you worry –
I could even learn to play the harp
You know it
Show it
Hurry and come again.

Sedet ad dexteram
Et iterum venturus est cum gloria
judicare vivos et mortuos:
Cujus regni non erit finis-
He is seated at the right hand of
the Father.
He will come again with glory
to judge the living and the dead:
Whose reign will be without end-

4. Trope: “World Without End”

Street Chorus
Non erit finis…
World without end…

Third Solo
Whispers of living, echoes of warning
Phantoms of laughter on the edges of morning
World without end spins endlessly on
Only the men who lived here are gone
Gone on a permanent vacation
Gone to await the next creation

World without end at the end of the world
Lord, don’t you know it’s the end of the world?
Lord, don’t you care if it all ends today?
Sometimes I’d swear that you planned it this way…

Dark are the cities, dead is the ocean
Silent and sickly are the remnants of motion
World without end turns mindlessly round
Never a sentry, never a sound
No one to prophesy disaster
No one to help it happen faster
No one to expedite the fall
On one to soil the breeze
No one to oil the seas
No one to anything
No one to anything
No one to anything at all…

Et in spiritum Sanctum, Dominum
et vivificantem:
Qui ex Patre Filio que
Qui cum Patre, et Filio simul
adoratur, et conglorificatur:
Qui locutus est per Prophetas.
Et unam sanctam catholicam et
apostolicam Ecclesiam.
Confiteor unum baptisma in
remissionem peccatorum.
Et exspecto resurrectionem
Et vitam venturi saeculi.
I believe also in the Holy Spirit,
Lord and life-giver:
Who proceeds from the Father
and the Son.
Who together with the Father,
and the Son is adored, and glorified:
Who spoke through the prophets.
And I believe in one holy, catholic
and apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for
the remission of sins.
And I await the resurrection of
the dead,
And the life in the world to come.

First Solo
You chose…You rose…
A man!…A man!…You chose!…You rose!

Second Solo
Hurry and come again…
Bags packed, wings sewn, Hurry!…Hurry!…

Third Solo
World without end, end of the world!
End of the world! Lord, don’t you care?
Lord, don’t you care?

5. Trope: “I Believe in God”

Fourth Solo
Amen! Amen! Amen!

I believe in God,
But does God believe in me?
I’ll believe in any god
If any god there be.
That’s a pact. Shake on that. No taking back.

I believe in one God,
But then I believe in three.
I’ll believe in twenty gods
If they’ll believe in me.
That’s a pact. Shake on that. No taking back.

Who created my life?
Made it come to be?
Who accepts this awful

Is there someone out there?
If there is, then who?

Are you listening to this song
I’m singing just for you?

I believe my singing.
Do you believe it too?
I believe each note I sing
But is it getting through?

I believe in F sharp.
I believe in G.
But does it mean a thing to you
Or should I change my key?

How do you like A-flat?
Do you believe in C? –

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis –

Do you believe in anything
That has to do with me?

Street Chorus
I believe in God,
But does God believe in me?
I’ll believe in thirty gods
If they’ll believe in me.
That’s a pact. Shake on that. No taking back.

I’ll believe in sugar and spice,
I’ll believe in everything nice;
I’ll believe in you and you and you
And who…
Who’ll believe in me?

Let us pray.

XI. MEDITATION NO. 3 (De Profundis, part 1)

De profundis clamavi ad te,
Domine, audi vocem meam!
Fiant aures tuae intentae
Ad vocem obsecrationis meae.
Si delictorum memoriam
Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?
Sed penes te est peccatorum
Ut cum reverentia serviatur
Spero in Dominum;
Sperat anima mea in verbum eius.
Spero! Sperat!
From the depths I cried to you,
O Lord;
Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears attend
The voice of my supplication.
If you, O Lord, remember only
our iniquities,
Lord, Lord, who can survive it?
But in your hands is the forgiveness
of sins,
That you may be served in
I trust in the Lord;
My soul trusts in His word.

Memento, Domine – Remember, O Lord, Thy servants and handmaids…[ad lib. names of cast members]…and all here present, whose faith is known to Thee, and for whom we offer up this sacrifice. We beseech Thee in the fellowship of communion, graciously to accept it and to grant peace to our days.

XII. OFFERTORY (De Profundis, part 2)

Boys’ Choir
Exspectat anima mea Dominum
Magis quam custodes
Exspectet Israel Dominum,
Quia penes Dominum
Misericordia et copiosa penes
eum redemptio:
Et ipse redimet Israel ex
omnibus iniquitatibus eius.
Gloria Patri.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than they who wait for the
Let Israel wait for the Lord,
For with the Lord is compassion
And with Him is plentiful
And He will redeem Israel from all
its iniquities.
Glory to the Father.


1. Our Father…

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed by Thy name.
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.

2. Trope: “I Go On”

When the thunder rumbles
Now the Age of Gold is dead
And the dreams we’ve clung to dying to stay young
Have left us parched and old instead…
When my courage crumbles
When I feel confused and frail
When my spirit falters on decaying altars
And my illusions fail,

I go on right then.
I go on again.
I go on to say
I will celebrate another day…
I go on…

If tomorrow tumbles
And everything I love is gone
I will face regret
All my days, and yet
I will still go on… on…
Lauda, Lauda, Laude
Lauda, Laude di da di day…


Holy is the Lord God of Hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory!

Boys’ Choir (calling from side to side)
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of Hosts.

Pleni sunt coeli et terra
Gloria tua.
Heaven and earth are full of
Thy glory.

Osanna, Osanna, Osanna!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!

Boys’ Choir
Benedictus qui venit in
nomine Domini.
Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord.

Osanna, Osanna, Osanna in
Osanna in excelsis!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in
the highest!
Hosanna in the Highest!

Mi… Mi…
Mi alone is only mi.
But mi with sol
Me with soul
Mi sol
Means a song is beginning
Is beginning to grow
Take wing, and rise up singing
From me and my soul.
Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh!
Holy! Holy! Holy!

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
Adonai ts’va-ot
M’Lo chol ha-aretz k’vodo
Holy! Holy! Holy!
Lord God of Hosts.
All the heavens and earth are full
of His glory.

(With Street Chorus)
Singing: Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of Hosts.
All the heavens and earth
Are full of His glory.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
Adonai ts’va-ot
M’Lo chol ha-aretz k’vodo
Baruch ha’ba
B’shem Adonai
B’shem Adonai!
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of Hosts.
All the heavens and earth are full
of His glory.
Blessed is he who comes
In the name of the Lord
In the name of the Lord!

All Voices


Male Soloists
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata
Agnus Dei;
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata
Miserere, miserere nobis!
Miserere, miserere nobis!
Lamb of God,
Lamb of God, who takest
away the sins of the world
Lamb of God;
Lamb of God, who takest
away the sins of the world
Have mercy, have mercy on us!
Have mercy, have mercy on us!

Male and Female Soloists
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
Agnus Dei;
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
Miserere, Miserere nobis!
Miserere, Miserere nobis!

All Soloists and Street Chorus
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi;
Dona nobis pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!
Pacem! Pacem!
Give us peace!
Give us peace!
Peace! Peace!

Celebrant (speaking)
Hoc est enim corpus meum!
This is my Body!

Chorus (Men)

Celebrant (grasping the Chalice)
Hic est enim Calix Sanguinis Mei!
This is the Chalice of My Blood!

Dona… nobis… pacem…

Hostiam puram
Pure offering!

Chorus (Women)
Dona nobis pacem-

Hostiam sanctam…
Holy offering…

Chorus (Women)
Dona nobis pacem –

Hostiam immaculatam…
Immaculate offering…

Chorus (Men)
Dona nobis pacem –

Chorus (Women)
Pacem –

Full Chorus
Pacem! Pacem!

Street Chorus plus Choir
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
Dona nobis pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!
Pacem! Pacem!


Choir (Women)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi

Choir (Men)
Miserere nobis.

Non sum dignus, Domine.
I am not worthy, Lord.

Choir (Women)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi

Choir (Men)
Miserere nobis!

I am not worthy, Lord.

Choir (Women)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi!

Choir (Men)
Dona nobis pacem!




Pacem! Pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!


Dona pacem! Pacem!
Dona nobis pacem!

Choir (the music turning imperceptibly into Blues-stanzas)
Dona nobis, nobis pacem,
Pacem dona, dona nobis,
Nobis pacem, pacem dona
Dona nobis, nobis pacem,
Pacem dona, dona nobis…

Nobis pacem, pacem dona,
Dona nobis, nobis pacem,
Pacem dona, dona nobis,
Nobis pacem, pacem dona,
Dona nobis, nobis pacem.

Tenor Solo (gradually joined by five other male soloists)
We’re not down on our knees,
We’re not praying,
We’re not asking you please,
We’re just saying:
Give us peace now and peace to hold on to
And God give us some reason to want to
Dona nobis, Dona nobis,

Men (and a few Women)
You worked six days and rested on Sunday.
We can tear the whole mess down in one day.
Give us peace now and we don’t mean later.
Don’t forget you were once our creator!
Dona nobis, Dona nobis.

We’ve got quarrels and qualms and such questions,
Give us answers, not psalms and suggestions.
Give us peace that we don’t keep on breaking,
Give us something or we’ll just start taking!
Dona nobis, Dona nobis.

We’re fed up with your heavenly silence,
And we only get action with violence,
So if we can’t have the world we desire,
Lord, we’ll have to set this one on fire!
Dona nobis, Dona nobis.

XVI. FRACTION: “Things Get Broken”


Look…Isn’t that – odd…
Red wine – isn’t red – at all…
It’s sort of – brown…brown and blue…
I never noticed that.
What are you staring at?
Haven’t you ever seen an accident before?

Look…Isn’t that – odd…
Glass shines – brighter –
When it’s – broken…
I never noticed that.

How easily things get broken.
How easily things get broken.
Glass – and brown wine –
Thick – like blood…
Rich – like honey and blood…

Hey – don’t you find that funny?
I mean, it’s supposed to be blood…
I mean, it is blood…His…
It was…
How easily things get broken…

What are you staring at?
Haven’t you ever seen an accident before?

Come on, come on, admit it,
Confess it was fun –
Wasn’t it?
You know it was exciting
To see what I’ve done.

Come on, you know you loved it.
You’re dying for more.
Wasn’t it smashing
To see it all come crashing
Right down to the floor!

You were right, little brothers,
You were right all along.
Little brothers and sisters,
It was I who was wrong –
So earnest, so solemn,
As stiff as a column,

“Lauda, Lauda, Laude.”
Little brothers and sisters,
You were right all along!
It’s got to be exciting,
It’s got to be strong.

Come on! Come on and join me,
Come join in the fun:

Shatter and splatter
Pitcher and platter
What do we care?
We won’t be there!
What does it matter?
What does it…

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Haven’t you ever seen an accident before?

Listen…Isn’t that – odd…
We can – be – so still…
so still and – numb…
How easily things get quiet.

Quiet… God is very ill…
We must… all be very still…
His voice… has grown so small,
Almost… not there at all…
Don’t you cry…

Pray, pray… you sons of men
Don’t let… him die again

Stay, oh stay…

Why are you waiting?
Just go on without me
Stop waiting
What is there about me
That you’ve been respecting
And what have you all been
Expecting to see?

Take a look, there is nothing
But me under this,
There is nothing you’ll miss!
Put it on, and you’ll see
Any one of you can be
Any one of me!

Are you still waiting?
Still waiting for me,
Me alone,
To sing you into heaven?
Well, you’re on your own.

Come on, say it,
What has happened to
All of your vocal powers?
Sing it, pray it.
Where’s that mumbo and jumbo
I’ve heard for hours?

Praying and pouting,
Braying and shouting litanies,
Chanting epistles,
Bouncing your missals
On your knees…

Go on whining,
Pining, moaning, intoning,
Groaning obscenities!
Why have you stopped praying?
Stopped your Kyrieing?
Where is your crying and complaining?
Where is your lying and profaning?
Where is your agony?
Where is your malady?
Where is your parody
Of God – said –
Let there be and there was
God said:
Let there Beatam Mariam semper Virginem,
Beatam miss the Gloria,

I don’t sing Gratias
Agimus tibi propter magnam
Gloriam tu – am – en…
Amen. Amen.

I’m in a hurry –
And come again.
You said you’d come…

Come love, come lust,
It’s so easy if you just
Don’t care-

Lord, don’t you care…

…if it all ends today…

…profundis clamavi
Clamavi ad te,
Domine, ad Dominum,
Ad Dom…

…A-donai – don’t know –
I don’t no – bis…
Miserere nobis…

Mi alone is only me…
But mi with so…
Me with s…mi…

Oh, I suddenly feel every step I’ve ever taken,
And my legs are lead
And I suddenly see every hand I’ve ever shaken,
And my arms are dead
I feel every psalm that I’ve ever sung
Turn to wormwood on my tongue.
And I wonder,
Oh, I wonder,
Was I ever really young?

It’s odd how all my body trembles,
Like all this mass
Of glass on the floor.
How fine it would be to rest my head,
And lay me down,
Down in the wine,
Which never was really red.
But sort of – brown…
And let not – another word –
Be spoken…


…How easily things get broken.

XVII. PAX: COMMUNION (“Secret Songs”)

Boy Soprano
Sing God a secret song
Lauda, Laude…
Lauda, Lauda, Laude.
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate.
Laude Deum,
Laudate Eum.
Praise, praise …
Praise God,
Praise Him.

Bass Solo
Lauda, Laude,
Lauda, Laude,
Laude Deum,
Laude Eum…

Bass Solo and Boy Soprano
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate…

First Couple
Lauda, Laude…

Lauda, Lauda, Lauda, Laude.
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate Deum.
Lauda, Lauda, Laudate Eum.
Laude Deum, Laudate Eum.

Pax tecum!
Peace be with you!

Boy Soprano and Celebrant
Lauda, etc.

All Voices, Including Stage Instrumentalists
Almighty Father, incline thine ear:
Bless us and all those who have gathered here –
thine angel send us –
Who shall defend us all;
And fill with grace
All who dwell in this place. Amen.

Voice On Tape
The Mass is ended; go in Peace.


Compositores estadunidenses

Este é um daqueles CDs comerciais de coletâneas, no caso destinado ao mercado norte-americano, mas nele estão as melhores gravações que possuo do Adágio de Barber, da Abertura de Candide e das peças de Copland em questão.

A Primavera apalache está na versão original, para 13 instrumentos; o Hoe-down teve uma sessão intermediária inteira suprimida (não sei por quê); o pianista na Rapsódia in Blue é o próprio Gershwin, cuja orquestra gravou a posteriori sobre o rolo com o registro do compositor (não ficou legal); e a Dança do sabre consta só pra preencher o tempo do CD.

Ao passar por NY, visite o Café do Rato Preto no Madison Square Garden.

1. Fanfarra para o homem comum – Copland
2. Abertura de Candide – Bernstein
3. Primavera apalache – Copland
4. Hoe-down, de Rodeo – Copland
5. Rapsódia in blue – Gershwin
6. Adágio para cordas – Barber
7. Dança do Sabre, do balé Gayané – Khatchaturian