Um disco onde se pode ouvir as origens de boa parte da música branca inglesa e estadunidense. Várias destas obras parecem ecoar em nossos dias. Pois algumas coisas não diminuem com o tempo. Cerca de quatro séculos e meio depois, o trabalho dolorosamente romântico de John Dowland permanece tão atraente hoje como provavelmente foi nos séculos 16 e 17. As melodias crescentes e a repetição de certas frases-chave evoluíram, sem dúvida, para as formas de música popular de hoje — embora alguns usem o termo “canção de arte” para distinguir o trabalho de compositores como Dowland do pop e rock contemporâneo na batalha em curso entre “alta” e ” baixa” cultura. Espero que tais distinções artificiais não impeçam as pessoas de explorar esta música.
John Dowland (1563-1626) / Thomas Campion (1567-1620) / Henrique VIII (1491-1547): English Folksongs & Lute Songs
01- Behold a wonder here, for voice, lute & bass viol (Third Book of Songs)
by John Dowland
02- Me, me, and none but me, for 4 voices & lute (Third Book of Songs)
by John Dowland
03- All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayed (First Book of Songs), for 4 voices & lute
by John Dowland
04- The Lady Russell’s Pavan, for lute, P 17
by John Dowland
05- The Three Ravens, folk song
by English Traditional
06- O Waly, Waly, folk song
by English Traditional
07- King Henry, folk song
by English Anonymous
08- Kemp’s Gigue
by English Anonymous
09- My sweetest Lesbia
by Thomas Campion
10- I Care Not for These Ladies for voice, lute & bass viol
by Thomas Campion
11- My Love Hath Vowed Hee Will Forsake Mee for voice, lute & bass viol
by Thomas Campion
12- I saw my lady weep, for 2 voices & lute (Second Book of Song)
by John Dowland
13- Flow, my tears, fall from your springs, for 2 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs)
by John Dowland
14- Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears, for 2 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs)
by John Dowland
15- Say, Love if ever thou didst find, for 4 voices & lute (Third Book of Songs)
by John Dowland
16- Can she excuse my wrongs, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs)
by John Dowland
17- Go from my window, song arranged for lute, P 64
by John Dowland
18- Go from my window, song arranged for lute, P 64
by John Dowland
19- I Will Give My Love an Apple, folk song
by British Isles Traditional
20- Barbara Allen, folk song
by Scottish Traditional
21- Lord Rendal, folk song
by English Anonymous
Andreas Scholl, countertenor
Andreas Martin, lute
thank you very much. -a.v.