The Phoenix Rising: The Carnegie UK Trust & the revival of Tudor church music

zlolywThe Phoenix Rising: The Carnegie UK Trust & the revival of Tudor church music

• Diapason d’Or, September 2013
• IRR Outstanding, September 2013
• CHOC du Classica, September 2013

Na comemoração do centenário do Carnegie UK Trust (, o qual tornou possível o lançamento pioneiro do Tudor Church Music Edition, o Stile Antico interpreta a gloriosa música dessa publicação, inclusive a Mass de Byrd de 5 partes e obras de Tallis, Taverner, White, Morley e Gibbons.

Stile Antico’s shaping of the music is sublime, its knitting of the counterpoint mellifluous… Poised and polished though the performances are, there is always the sense that this is living music with a powerfully expressive sacred message. (GN, The Telegraph, 22.8.13

An ideal single-volume compendium of Tudor music… whether the music is early or late Stile Antico presents it with a glorious and compelling freshness… a powerful reappraisal of repertoire which has become so popular we now almost take it for granted. (Marc Rochester, International Record Review, September 2013)

The Phoenix Rising is a programme of works collated in the 1920s publication of Tudor Church Music by the Carnegie UK Society… Exquisitely rendered by the Stile Antico consort. (Andy Gill, The Independent, 26.7.13)

There’s a forthright quality to the voices of Stile Antico, and especially its sopranos, that suits this English repertoire, balancing beauty with an intensity that reminds us that this is the music of protest and oppression as well as faith. (Alexandra Coghlan, Gramophone, September 2013)

The Phoenix Rising
Stile Antico
William Byrd (England, 1540 – 1623)
01. Ave verum corpus
Thomas Tallis (England,c.1505-1585)
02. Salvator mundi (14th-century Eucharistic Hymn, attributed to Pope Innocent VI)
William Byrd (England, 1540 – 1623)
03. Mass for 5 voices: 1. Kyrie eleison
04. Mass for 5 voices: 2. Gloria in excelsis Deo
John Redford (1540), perhaps after Medieval original & Thomas Morley (England, 1557-1602)
05. Nolo mortem peccatoris
Orlando Gibbons (England, 1583-1625)
06. O clap your hands together (Psalm 47, Book of Common Prayer+Gloria)
William Byrd (England, 1540 – 1623)
07. Mass for 5 voices: 3. Credo
Robert White (England, c. 1538-1574)
08. Portio mea (Psalm 119, 57-64)
09. Hymn: Christe, qui lux es et dies, (Complete hymn, 4th setting)
Orlando Gibbons (England, 1583-1625)
10. Almighty and everlastig God (Book of Common Prayer, Collect, 3d Sunday after Epiphany)
William Byrd (England, 1540 – 1623)
11. Mass for 5 voices: 4. Sanctus & Benedictus
Thomas Tallis (England,c.1505-1585)
12. In ieiunio et fletu (Matin Responsory, first Sunday in Lent (after Joel 2,17)
William Byrd (England, 1540 – 1623)
13. Mass for 5 voices: 5. Agnus Dei
John Taverner (England, c.1490-1545)
14. O splendor gloriae (Anonym (afger Geb 1,3; 2,8, Ps. 145,5, 1 Pet. 2,24 etc.)

The Phoenix Rising – 2012
Stile Antico

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  1. Valeu a dica do Rapidshare! Adorei, sem isso acho que não conseguiria. Sempre foi lento, mas agora estava simplesmente horrível. Foi rapidinho.

  2. PQP,

    Muito chique, esta sua publicação.
    Adoro história e adoro música. A música vocal inglesa daquela época é, num trocadilho, divina.
    Many thanks!

  3. Virgem!
    Agora vi que a postagem foi de Avicenna.
    Mestre, correção:

    Muito chique, esta sua publicação.”
    (Que bom o PQP contar consigo, Avicenna!)

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