J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Fantasia in C minor; Two-Part Inventions; Three-Part Inventions; Chromatic Fantasia & Fugue

Pois é, mais um desta série que irá longe. Não sou um apaixonado pelas curtas Invenções em duas e três partes para teclado, mas a Fantasia que abre o CD e a Fantasia e Fuga Cromática que o fecha são absolutamente matadoras, de absurda beleza. Vocês podem pensar que somos doidos varridos, mas eu e minha mulher dançamos a Fantasia BWV 906 aqui na sala de casa. Nada nos impedia e não havia ninguém nos filmando para depois colocar no YouTube… Então, tudo bem! Vocês podem tentar, afinal o domingo é um bom dia para loucuras.

J. S. Bach (1685-1750):
Fantasia in C minor; Two-Part Inventions; Three-Part Inventions;
Chromatic Fantasia & Fugue

1. Fantasia In C Minor, BWV906
2. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 1 In C Major
3. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 2 In C Minor
4. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 3 In D Major
5. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 4 In D Minor
6. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 5 In E Flat Major
7. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 6 In E Major
8. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 7 In E Minor
9. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 8 In F Major
10. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 9 In F Minor
11. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 10 In G Major
12. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 11 In G Minor
13. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 12 In A Major
14. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 13 In A Minor
15. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 14 In B Flat Major
16. Fifteen Two-Part Inventions, BWV772-786: Invention 15 In B Minor
17. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 1 In C Major
18. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 2 In C Minor
19. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 3 In D Major
20. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 4 In D Minor
21. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 5 In E Flat Major
22. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 6 In E Major
23. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 7 In E Minor
24. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 8 In F Major
25. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 9 In F Minor
26. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 10 In G Major
27. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 11 In G Minor
28. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 12 In A Major
29. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 13 In A Minor
30. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 14 In B Flat Major
31. Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias (Inventions), BWV787-801: Sinfonia 15 In B Minor
32. Chromatic Fantasia And Fugue In D Minor, BWV903: Fantasia
33. Chromatic Fantasia And Fugue In D Minor, BWV903: Fugue

Angela Hewitt, piano


Um super show, Angie.
Um super show, Angie.


7 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Uau, PQP! Se minha mulher não topar, vou fantasiar dançando com Angela mesmo! Muito obrigado por mais este POSTaço! Mas desta vez você pecou por nem colocar o nome da Santa! Mas, é claro, compensou com a bela imagem!

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